Page 63 of Beowolf

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“Exactly,” Thorn said.

“Titus, what do you think about the FBI’s theory for how my name showed up? I think we’re throwing darts blindfolded.” Yeah, Nutsbe would admit it; today, his nerves had been mightily taxed. “Why not throw that one more dart out there, too, and see if it hits a bullseye.”

“I can’t say that I disagree. Fingerprint swipes, I imagine we’re about to get protocol saying that if we’re doing anything with an external site, we’ll need to use a stylus. Another security hoop to jump.” Titus stood. “For now, I need to give Margot a call. Thorn, you need to get home and spend some time with Arya. Nutsbe, I’m sure you’d like to get out of that suit. You smell like a goat turd floating in a punch bowl. Go relax. Court tomorrow?”

“I’m not sure yet. But I’m on my way to pick up Beowolf and take him home with me, so things are smooth in the morning if the trial is a go.”

“Are you staying at the barracks? It might be good for you to be on campus until things shake out a bit.”

“I promised to pick up Olivia’s car from the courthouse. And then I’ll stay at my house. We don’t know who the target is: Random Joe Public, Olivia, or me—”

“Could be all three,” Thorn said.

“Until that’s cleared up, I want to be around and ensure Olivia is safe.”


Nutsbe sat shotgun as Thorn drove him to the Cerberus campus to get the car Automotive had left for him when he picked up Beowolf.

“From the sound of things, you and Olivia are getting pretty tight,” Thorn said as he drove past the training fields.

“Tight,” Nutsbe tried that word on. That word sounded like “tied.” He didn’t feel like that was entirely right. “It would be nice to take her on a date once things settle. I enjoy her company.”

“Companionship, not relationship?” Thorn rolled his window down and stuck his arm out, letting his hand ride the warm end of summer air. “I mean, you two seemed to have forged some kind of a bond.”

“In the trenches, that happens.” Nutsbe would much prefer this conversation weren’t happening. “I’m just not cut from the relationship cloth.”

“I hear you, brother. I spouted the same shit before I saw the picture of Arya, and my whole world shifted.”

“Nothing’s shifted for me. This is what friendship looks like.”

“Right.” Thorn sent him a grin. “You’re staying in harm’s way at your house because of your good neighbor policy.”

“Always nice to be on the good side of a federal prosecutor.” Nutsbe looked out his window. Bob had Beowolf on a lead and was wiping the ubiquitous drool from his mouth.

Thorn pulled into a parking space. “Especially one that shows up with food.”

“Sexist much?” Nutsbe released his belt.

“Food isn’t sexist,” Thorn pointed out. “Everyone eats.”

“Yeah, man, I hear you. Thanks for the ride.” He climbed from the car, then turned and leaned in. “Give Arya a hug for me.”

“Will do. Stay safe, brother.”

Chapter Twenty-Four


“Hey Bob, you have a go-pack ready?” As Thorn drove off, Nutsbe wandered over to the sidewalk where Bob and Beowolf were waiting.

“It’s already in the vehicle.” He nodded to the SUV manned by an Automotive driver at the wheel and another in the back seat. “Beowolf’s ready for bed. He got fed for tonight and had his exercise. He’s also had a bath.” Bob fobbed open the hatch and then handed the keys to Nutsbe. “He smelled like a sewer when you dropped him off to me.”

“Puke. He was lying in a cramped space where I was doing CPR.”

Beowolf loped over, sniffed, then turned to sit beside Nutsbe.

“Hey, there, buddy,” Nutsbe swiped his hands from neck to chest in a rhythm as he dropped a kiss on Beowolf’s wrinkled brow. “You had a bath? All fresh and clean? I’m going to introduce you to Henrietta, and she’s a lady. So it’s good that you’re all spiffed up.”
