Page 88 of Searching for Hope

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It worked. The corner of Pierce’s mouth twitched in what might have been a reluctant smile.

“He blames himself,” she said softly.

Pierce’s brow furrowed, his gaze flicking back to her face.

“Anyway,” she said, shifting uncomfortably in her seat. “He asked me to tell you he’s sorry.”

Pierce just looked at her. His expression remained closed off, making Ellie feel like she was talking to a wall.

“Okay,” she finally said, standing up. “I’ll let him know you’re not ready yet.”

He didn’t try to stop her as she left the room. Out in the hall, she took a breath to ease the tightness in her throat.

Physically, he’d heal from the torture inflicted on him, but mentally? She wasn’t so sure.

That evening, when Ellie left the hospital to shower and change her clothes, Zak called to warn her that Alexis and Shane were on their way home. Since they were off the grid and unreachable by phone, he’d radioed them to let them know what happened, and they’d decided to cut their honeymoon short by a day.

Ellie was not looking forward to this conversation and decided to wait on her porch, throwing a stick for Puzzle until they arrived.

To Ellie’s surprise, only Alexis stepped out of the car. Clue, the scruffy mutt Alexis had found in an alleyway in Chicago, hopped out behind her.

Puzzle gave a delighted woof at seeing his cousin and bounced off the porch. He tripped over his own big feet and skidded across the grass on his face for a moment before righting himself.

“That dog doesn’t know how to dog properly,” Alexis said with faint amusement.

“I know. He’s a dummy, but I love him.”

They both watched in silence as the dogs circled, sniffing each other wildly.

Ellie hated to break the tentative peace, but she figured she might as well get the lecture over with. “Where’s Shane?”

Alexis’s lips thinned. “He went to the hospital to see Pierce. And Cal. Though, Cal annoys him, so mostly Pierce.”

“Good. Maybe he’ll get more of a response from him than I did. He’s… shut down.”

“What the hell, Ellie?” Alexis’s green eyes flashed with fury as she stalked up the sidewalk. “You infiltrated a cult?”


“I… just…” She turned away and shoved her hands into her hair, muttering something about not being able to leave Ellie for even a week. Then she swung back. “My God, Ellie! What were you thinking? You could’ve been killed.”

“I found Hope.”

Alexis stumbled to a halt. “I’m sorry. You… what?”

“She was there. She kind of started the cult. Or, I guess, took it over.”

Alexis blinked in disbelief. “She’s alive?”

“No. Not anymore. But she has a daughter.”

“Holy shit. I need to sit down.” Alexis sank onto the front step of Ellie’s porch and put her head in her hands. “This is... this is a lot. Holy shit. A daughter?”

“Her name is True. She has Hope’s eyes,” Ellie whispered, her voice choked with emotion. “She’s been through hell, but she’s very strong and brave. You’ll like her.”

“Of course I will. She’s our niece.” Alexis sighed, rubbing her temples. “I can’t believe it. Hope had a daughter.”

“She needs us, Lexi. She watched her mom die in front of her. We’re all she has left.”
