Page 116 of Courage to Love Again

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It had been a long road. The work I’d done on myself was far from over. I was still seeing Dr. Thomas, though I’d dropped my visits down to once every other week. I still journaled every morning. I still meditated and did yoga. I found that both brought me peace and tranquility. Callum had even taken to practicing with me; strangely enough, it brought us closer as a couple.

I was active in my healing journey. I had the love of my friends and family. I was a mother, and my angel was now my husband. Callum and I got married at a small ceremony a month after he proposed. There was no need to wait. I knew I wanted to be with him, and he’d proven time and time again that he wanted to be with me too. The love we shared was beautiful and healing all on its own. How lucky was I to be able to call him my husband?

I looked at him, pacing the room as he held our daughter. My heart swelled with pride.

“She’s so perfect,” he said in utter amazement. “I can’t believe we made her.”

I smiled. “You’re going to spoil her.”

“Damn right, I am.” He grinned as he fingered her curls. “Daddy’s baby can have whatever she wants. Ain’t that right, princess?”

He walked over and placed her in my arms. I looked down at her with those big, bright eyes. I was surprised she was awake. Then again, as much as Callum had talked to her in the womb, she was probably trying to look at him like, “There’s that motormouth.”

“Hi, Princess,” I said softly, fingering her chubby cheek. “You are a miracle, you know that? You’re named after two of the greatest loves of my life, and you will be nothing but great.”

I kissed her forehead. “God,... I never know how strong this love could be so soon.”

With my son, I had to bottle up all the love I wanted to give him that I never could. Mikayla was my blessing, my rainbow baby. This was my chance to shower her with every ounce of love, attention, and affection she so rightfully deserved. I would pour into her. I would honor and protect her. She would know love because of her father and me. She would be respected. She would be celebrated because life was a gift. Every day we got to live was a day we would never have again.

“Who couldn’t love this face?” Callum asked, sliding into the hospital bed with me.

“You only say that because she looks just like you,” I jested.

He grinned. “Well, you love my face.”

“I love everything about you, Mr. Ellis.”

“And I love everything about you, Mrs. Ellis.” He looked down at Mikayla. “I guess we better soak up as much of her as possible. Everybody is on the way to meet her. You’ve got quite the family, MJ.”

“Quite the family, indeed.”

If I’ve learned nothing else, I’ve learned that love and family are two of the most important things anyone could possess. I thought I lost both of those things when I lost my parents and my son. Life and time have given me both back tenfold. My daughter had an amazing biological family and an equally amazing extended family. She was surrounded by love. She was the embodiment of the courage to love.

The End
