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The corners of his mouth lifted into a sly grin as he guided her over to the car. “Well, tonight is a special occasion.”

From the moment they met at a Phil’s Diner, Emma sensed there was something different about Luke. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but there was an air of confidence about him that piqued her curiosity.

As they settled into the plush back seat and drove away from the heliport, Emma’s imagination took her somewhere else. Her thoughts drifted to a place of uncertainty, pondering how she would fit into Jeremiah and Luke’s lives. But then, Luke reached over and took her hand, bringing her back to the present moment.

“Are you okay?” he asked, concern etched on his face.

Emma turned to him, smiling softly. “Oh. It’s nothing.”

“It’s not nothing,” Luke said. “A minute ago you were giddy with excitement. Now you’re quiet and distant. What are you thinking about?”

“Luke, it’s nothing, really. I’m having a good time, and you have nothing to worry about.”

“Emma, you can tell me anything.” he said, his voice soft and steady.

Taking a deep breath, Emma looked into his eyes. “What if Jeremiah isn’t ready for us to start dating whenever you tell him, what then?” she continued, her voice trembling with doubt, “Luke, I’m falling for you. And I don’t want to lose you. If Jeremiah isn’t on board, I don’t think I could live with being the reason that your relationship with him never gets fixed.”

Understanding dawned on Luke’s face. “Emma, I’ve already fallen for you. And I don’t want to lose you either. I don’t know how he’ll react. Nothing worth having is ever easy. But we’ll figure it out. Together."

“I’m sorry, I’m not trying to ruin our night. I just can’t imagine life without you,” she whispered.

Luke leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. “Emma, you won’t have to, I promise. Okay?”

Emma stifled the tears that were building behind her eyes, squeezing Luke’s hand, feeling reassured by his promise. She rested her head on his shoulder, grateful he was a safe haven she could open up to about her deepest fears and insecurities.

It was a stark contrast to her past with Chad, who always made her feel ashamed for her honesty. Emma felt proud of herself for finding the strength to speak her truth with Luke, someone who accepted her flaws and all. With every beat of her heart, she knew that she was exactly where she was meant to be, in the arms of a man who truly cared for her.

Luke’s tone rose with excitement as the car slowed down on 37th Street, “So, are you hungry?”

Emma nodded, trying to hide her hunger pangs. “I am actually.”

“Good. Because we just arrived for dinner.”

As the car came to a stop, Emma turned to the window and her mouth dropped. They had just pulled up to the swankiest-looking restaurant she had ever seen. It was housed in an extravagant manor, with stone steps leading up to a grand entrance flanked by tall white columns on both sides. She couldn’t believe it.

“It’s an old eighteenth-century mansion that’s been converted into a fine dining restaurant. What do you think?” Luke asked, following her out of the car.

“It’s beautiful! Are we really eating here?” Emma turned back to face him.

“Absolutely. We have reservations.” Luke grabbed her hand, leading her up the steps and through the entrance. The foyer was massive, and an elegant chandelier hung above their heads. She couldn’t help but gaze at the breathtaking sight in front of her.

Emma was glad that Luke was leading the way, as she was too busy admiring her surroundings to pay attention to where they were going. They passed through a series of stunningly decorated rooms with warm earthy tones and bold artwork on the walls until arriving at the back terrace. From there, they had a picturesque view of a charming square filled with towering trees adorned with the iconic Spanish moss.

After they were seated Luke ordered a bottle of wine for them. Emma leaned back in her chair and scanned their surroundings in awe.

“How did you know about this place?” she asked.

Luke’s warm smile was infectious as he leaned in to speak to Emma. “I have some colleagues who have spent time in Savannah,” he said. “And when I asked them for recommendations on the best restaurant in the city, they all pointed me to this gem.”

“It’s incredible,” Emma remarked.

“And I looked up the menu and saw they have vegan options, so I knew it was the perfect spot for us."

Emma couldn’t help but feel grateful for Luke’s thoughtfulness. It was clear he had put in effort to make sure their evening was perfect.

“That was very sweet of you, Luke—to make sure they had some vegan dishes.”

Luke winked at her and opened the menu, revealing the elegant script and mouthwatering descriptions of the restaurant’s offerings. Emma blushed and picked up her own menu, scanning the page with a mix of excitement and trepidation. The surroundings were overwhelming in their opulence, from the fine linen tablecloth to the silver candlesticks casting a warm glow over the table. It was like nothing she had ever experienced before.
