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“I swear to you,” I say to Lucia before my father can speak, “we will find her. No matter what it takes.”

He nods. “Yes, son, we will.”

My father gives me a look of admiration. It’s not something I’m used to.

“Let’s call in some help,” he says.

“What kind of help?” Tino asks.

“The kind that can hack police cameras and security cameras. There must be some around your friend’s place. Even though whoever did this cut the footage at the health club, there’s a lot of roads around it. Lots of places close by that are the sort of houses that will have wide ranging security. It’s an expensive area around there. Lots of tech bros have summer homes in that area of real estate. Plus, we can talk to locals. Ask if anyone was seen around the small town nearby. We can find out his phone number and hack into it. There’s a whole lot of options.”

Tino’s face lifts. He glances at me, and I nod at him. Kirill looks relieved, too.

We’re going to get her back, and when we do, she’s never leaving my sight again.

Chapter 37


My head hurts. It’s the only thought I can focus on for a long while. It’s splitting. My throat is dry, too. Where am I?

The hands grabbing me. The cloth around my head.

It all rushes back, and I suck in a panicked breath of pure terror. I clutch at my face, wanting the bag gone, so I can see.

There’s nothing there.

What the hell? It’s so dark where I am that I can’t see a thing. Still, at least the bag is gone. And I can breathe.

Paxton. He had to have taken me outside the spa.


This is bad.

I reach blindly around me. The floor feels odd. So cold and smooth. Not like stone at all. Or wood. It’s more like metal.

I crawl on my hands and knees, and my arm bumps something. Cold water splashes me.

I cry out and freeze. What is this? Where the hell am I?

“Paxton?” I scream. “What are you doing?”

He’s insane and obsessed, but he knows about my epilepsy. Would he take me and do this to me? I don’t have any meds on me.

“I need my meds,” I shout.

There’s no reply at all.

“I can’t see anything. Please. Pleaaaaseeee.” I scream and scream, until my throat is raw.

Blinding white light hits my retinas, and I shrink back, covering my eyes. I blink and slowly move my arm. I glance around me as shapes take form.

I’m in a room, no natural light. The only lights are the floodlight style units in each corner, and God, they are harsh. I wipe at the tears in my eyes, needing to see what I can.


What the actual fuck?
