Page 21 of Melt For Us

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Micah’s body tenses, collapsing onto me as I climax again.

Groaning heavily, they find their release at the same time, coming hard. I’ve never been so turned on in my life.

“Merry.” Thrust. “Fucking.” Thrust. “Christmas.”

* * *

The delicious aromaof sizzling bacon, corned beef hash, and maple syrup fills the air. Gazing out through the large window of the kitchen, I’m left with an overwhelming feeling of Christmas joy. Last night was a game changer for me. It’s as if a huge weight has been lifted, and I can finally breathe again. The sky is bright, and a white blanket of snow covers the ground, flurries now coming down light.

I can’t even remember the last time I’ve felt this happy. This content.

This adored.

“How’d you sleep, princess?” Damien asks, pouring me another cup of coffee.

Meeting his eyes, I grin. “That bed is way too comfortable,” I reply, taking another piece of crispy bacon. “It’s dangerous how comfortable it is.”

“I’m fucking stuffed,” Jensen mumbles, scooting his chair away from the table.

“We must’ve lost power overnight,” Micah brings up, dropping his plate in the sink. “Woke up around six and it was so cold I could almost see my breath.”

“Well, the heats back on,” Damien says, sipping his coffee. “We should have more wood out in the sunroom.”

Jensen dismisses himself, leaving his empty plate on the table.

“What am I, your fucking maid?” Micah complains, cleaning the dishes.

“I’m going to start the fire,” he retorts, shooting him a quick glare. “I’ll grab it after. Relax.”

Laughing under my breath, I attempt to cool off my coffee by blowing on it.

“You think it’s funny?” Micah asks.

And I nod, holding back more laughter.

“I’ll remember this,” he playfully says, shaking his head. “What are our plans for today?”

Damien shrugs. “Must’ve gotten at least two feet of snow. They haven’t even started plowing the roads. We’re stuck here for a while.”

“That’s fine with me,” I happily say, staring out the window once more. “It’s so beautiful.”

“There’s not much to do around here. Way too many tourists,” Micah explains, until I interrupt him.

“This is the best location ever. In the White Mountains, right off the Kancamagus Highway.”

Jensen returns, holding several logs of wood against his chest.

Damien smirks, staring at me with intense eyes. “Would you like to live here someday?”

“Yes!” I exclaim. “There’s just something about this cabin. It feels like home.”

“Well, then,” Jensen laughs as he walks by, with no humor intended. “We’re going to need a bigger bed.”

* * *

“It’s time, little Quinn,”Damien says.

“Time for what?”
