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“Him,” Natalee blurted, her voice tinged with sadness.

The blow sailed to my chest and if I wasn’t worried that any sudden movements would give me away, I would have crumbled in one of the seats, popped the bottle of wine, toasted my incredible gift of alienating the people who meant the most to me, and put us both out of our misery.

I’d been ready to fight, to show her that I was more than the things I’d done, that I could be the man that she deserved, but Delia’s words kept me from gearing up for that battle.

You have to ask yourself: is this about her, or is this about you?

“Overwhelmed is exactly how any woman would feel in your shoes, Natalee,” Lauren said to Natalee. “But I’m guessing you wouldn’t be here if a part of you wasn’t hoping that this thing between you guys could work.”

It was a record scratch moment.

A word that made me grab the journal and back slowly into the bedroom.

I didn’t need to hear more, I just needed to hold onto that word.



I refused to check my watch because it would have only made me feast on my nails instead of the dinner that Francois had unveiled. A salmon dinner for two, with a party of one awkwardly wondering if he should start eating alone.

Wondering if I’d get that text that she should have sent the night I’d invited her to Crave. Something came up. Or she just couldn’t do this.

I was trying to embark on a new leaf, but a part of me hoped she’d go with the first excuse. A lie. I couldn’t handle the truth.

Two military precise knocks sounded at the door. I knew it was Lauren, here to deliver the news. I rose from the table with a speed that resembled molasses, having to work harder than I expected to put on the charade that Natalee leaving was no big deal.

By the time I reached the door, my smile was cemented on my face. Thank God there were no candles. I didn’t want to see pity on Lauren’s face.

But when I pulled open the door, I didn’t see Lauren’s face at all.

Natalee’s bright green eyes blinked at me, a hesitant smile on her lips as she brought her right hand to her temple and gave me a salute. “Permission to come onboard?”

“Fuck yeah!” I blurted, cheesing like a fool when her eyes dropped to the floor and slowly worked their way back up to meet me.

The desire to physically carry her over the threshold was strong, and the fire that flashed in her gaze told me she was expecting it.

Craving it.

She was inches from me, so close that I felt every rise and fall of her chest surge through me.

I lifted her braid, slightly tousled and wild from the ride, leaning into her, feeling her exhale into me as I made my lips, my body wait.

I brushed my lips against her earlobe instead. “Permission granted.”

I retreated slowly, watching her swallow a moan that colored her cheeks with desire. She was suddenly in a hurry, squeezing past me, switching the subject to safer territory.

“This ship, boat, yacht, palace is just...” She twirled in a circle, her eyes not sure what to take in first. When she saw the balcony, she let out a whimsical sigh. “And there’s dinner, too?” She walked through the french doors. “Oh my God, I love salmon!” She nestled her chin against her shoulder and flashed her green eyes at me. “Which you probably learned while you were cyber stalking me, huh?”

She had a sinister, all knowing smile that told me she was giving me a hard time (literally and figuratively) and I wanted to tease her for a bit, too. I didn’t even have to break a sweat to discover she’d done some cyber stalking herself, but I decided to let her have her tiny victory.

“Guilty,” I winked, letting her think she’d caught me. I didn’t have to always be the smartest one in the room.

I followed her out to the balcony, smiling as she took her chair, snapped her napkin, and wasted no time digging in. She was several bites in before she took a break, covering her open mouth with her napkin. Masking the red that invaded her cheeks.

“Sorry,” she said after she was done chewing, lowering her napkin to the table. “I’m not the pick at my salad type.” She toyed with her braid nervously. “I probably should have pretended I ate earlier and asked which course was first and-”

