Page 15 of Because You Need Me

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“...and that's when I asked your mother if you were ever planning on settling down. You're not getting any younger, dear!”

“Sounds like that's my cue,” I said smoothly.

Penny met my eye and I watched relief flicker across her pretty face. “Aunt Margery, I'd like for you to meet my date, Xander Wade.”

Margery turned her wide eyed astonishment on me, tucking her cane beneath her arm and nearly impaling an emaciated looking brunette. She held out her hand for me to kiss it like we were in some period movie. “Margery Robertson and my, my, my-Bree didn't tell me that you were such a looker!”

I pressed my lips against her knuckles, turning the charm on. “Well, it seems modesty runs in the family. I'm a little more than a date. I'm Penny's boyfriend.” I stood upright and winked. “I'm pretty crazy about your niece.”

Penny's cheeks matched her dress, but she moved closer to me, looping her arm in mine. Her touch sent a wildfire of lust and desire racing across my body. “Funny, cuz I'm pretty crazy about my Xander.”

“Aren't you two just as cute as a picture!” Margery gushed. When the DJ spun some lively pop hit that made the guests whoop with delight, she used her cane to point at the dance floor. “Why are you two standing over here talking to an old lady?” She grinned at Penny. “If you don't ask him to dance, I will!”

I guided Penny towards the floor, tossing a final smile at her aunt. “The next dance has your name on it, Margery.”

“She's going to hold you to that you know,” Penny giggled, her arm sliding down the length of mine until our hands clasped.

I paused just before we hit the mass of people gyrating, bringing our joined hands to my mouth. I brushed a kiss on her skin, then dipped my head and captured her lips. It was sweet and tender, and in that moment, nothing else mattered.

Her eyes were still closed when I leaned back to look at her.

“So, Margery is clearly Team Xander,” I said cockily. “One down-”

“Too many cousins and aunts and uncles,” Penny shuddered. “My mother invited the entire family tree.” Her face went serious, her lips stretching into a thin line and her nostrils flaring. “And you still haven't met my mom. My dad will be easy. And Victoria...” She trailed off.

I nodded, letting her know I understood I had my work cut out for me. “I'll have plenty of time to woo your sister.” I pulled her onto the floor, her body crashing into me. “For now,” I whispered, my lips skimming her ear. “Let's dance.”

I didn't know the song. All the women around me, including Penny, seemed to know the words by heart. The only thing I knew was if she kept rolling her body the way she rolled it when we were in private, I was going to be nursing a very indiscreet and uncomfortable erection. The DJ spun a trance mix and I took the opportunity to nudge her towards the bar. A gaggle of black dress wearing blondes let out hoots of laughter when one practically face planted on the floor. Men who looked like they spent their days in high rises like mine were practically twerking. I made a mental note that when we got married, there would be no open bar.

When we got married. Me and Penny. I thought the L word was huge. The M word was colossal. And yet, I could see that future, and it wasn't scary at all. She'd make a beautiful bride.

Penny brought over two vodka tonics with lime, clinking our glasses together before she scanned my face and twisted her lips into a curious smirk. “What were you thinking just now?”

Considering I was barely her real boyfriend, I figured wedding bells would probably freak her out. I told her part of the truth. “I was just thinking how beautiful you are—and how lucky I am.”

She stirred her drink, her cheeks rosy. “You don't have to charm me. I'm already Team Xander.” She crooked her finger and I leaned in, my body fist pumping with the rest of the bros at more of the close contact. Her cheek was against my cheek and we rocked back and forth slowly, like the Electric Daisy Carnival wasn't going down behind us.

“And just so you know, when we get out of here, I'm going to rip off that sexy suit and ride you until you explode inside me,” she purred. She pulled back, her face serene and innocent like she hadn't just whispered something hot enough to make me tent the front of my pants.

“No fair,” I groaned, sipping my drink. I lowered my glass, a naughty thought rippling through my mind. “Why wait? On my way in I saw the perfect little spot for you to ride me until you scream...and beg me to explode inside you.”

Her caramel eyes were molten. The hungry look she'd first shown me the night we met was back with a vengeance. She was so much more to me now. Before, she was just a spark of what could be. Now, I knew how special she was. How kind and gentle. And how naughty and insatiable. There were so many sides of Penny Robertson, and I couldn't wait to discover every single one.

Hand in hand, we weaved through the attendees, and took a detour around one of the men who was fishing for free business advice. My body hummed with excitement about doing something taboo and forbidden, and I swore I could feel thrill shooting from Penny as she squeezed my hand tight.

“Where are you two headed?”

The voice was accusatory and I half expected to come face to face with the blonde from The Red Door, still nursing her bruised ego. Penny loosened her grip on my hand like she was caught sneaking in the cookie jar, then tightened her hold as we wheeled back toward the voice. The woman was blonde, but she was in a wedding gown. Her features were sharper than Penny's, but I saw the resemblance.

The bride held out her hand. “I know you two weren't ducking out of here before I got the chance to meet the infamous Xander Wade.”

She barely shook my hand before she dropped it back to her side, not even bothering to discreetly wipe it off on her dress.

“Victoria,” Penny started with an edge to her voice. “Now is not the time-”

“Don't be silly!” She just blasted right through Penny's attempts to diffuse the situation. “It's my duty to sign off on your boyfriends, is it not?”

From Penny's rigid stance I had a feeling that this was a new rule. I knew that she was used to bending to her sister's will and biting her tongue, but I had no qualms about speaking my mind.
