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In fact, I was so aroused by his physical presence that I felt an erection coming on in my tight golf shorts. My cock was growing so fast and so hard that I waited and watched as he lugged my belongings up the stairs to the second floor, remaining at the bottom of the stairs, just needing a moment to gather myself. That particular view did little to minimize my growth issue.

What happened next was where I fucked up royally. After composing myself, I hurried upstairs and found him holding the picture of Jack and me. In my defense, I was surprised he was holding one of my belongings, but that wasn’t what set me off. He said he knew Jack. Communicated with Jack—a very dead Jack. That was what did it.

I hadn’t expected his response when I asked him how he knew Jack, so in my usual suspicious and judgmental way, I accused him of being crazy. In fact, I think I told him he was from Crazy Town, or something along those lines.

Initially, Chad had seemed strange to me and had definitely caught me out of my element with his belief that he spoke with the dead. But Jack was my best friend, and I had a reason to be weirded out. What were the odds that I’d buy a new house, move to a new town, hire a new employee, and then have that person drop a bomb like that on me? And that was day number one. Hell, that was hour number one.

Yet, here I was, a week later and unable to get the young man out of my mind. I knew absolutely nothing about him other than he was gorgeous and I’d found him odd the day I met him, but still, something about him tugged at my heart and I had no idea what that was.

A never-before-heard inner voice insisted I take another look with an open mind. I didn’t know I had an inner voice, and if I had, I doubt I would have trusted it, but nonetheless, a voice was pushing me along and I was listening.


“You look nice, honey,” Mom whispered in my ear, inhaling deeply after hugging me. “And you smell great, too.”

“I forgot to wear the pink polo,” I said. “I know you wanted me to.”

She backed away and surveyed my outfit. “This yellow tank top flatters you as well.”

“By the way, I’m not interested in Mr. Hicks, Mom,” I insisted, following her back to the kitchen.

“I know that, but I think it’ll be nice to get to know our new neighbor. And, you never know.”

“I know,” I stated. “Plus, the man thinks I’m nuts.”

“Did he say that?” she asked. I shook my head. He actually hadn’t. “See? You’re wrong already.”

Just then, I noticed our guest’s car arriving through the kitchen window. “He didn’t even walk over,” I complained. “What a snob.”

“Alex?” Mom yelled. “Our guest is here.” She slapped my butt and pointed to the front entry. “I’m sure he isn’t a snob,” she corrected. “Now hurry and go greet Mr. Hicks, honey.”

Dad came around the corner. “I’ve got it,” he yelled.

I motioned in his direction. “See? Dad has it,” I said, heading for a sofa and away from the kitchen. I’d decided to lie low during our guest’s visit. I’d already witnessed how judgmental he could be and planned on avoiding being tonight’s target.

“Get in here,” Mom hissed, motioning toward me. I shook my head and grabbed a Sports Illustrated magazine off the coffee table and pretended to be engrossed in a sports story. Mr. Judgie didn’t need to know that I knew absolutely nothing about sports.

I heard Dad greet our guest and listened as they exchanged compliments. Mr. Hicks was going on about how much he loved the way our house sat above the ocean and the amazing landscaping in front. Dad was sure to tell him that I had designed and installed the landscaping myself as a senior in high school.

Dad was busy kissing his client’s ass about what a wise choice it was for Mr. Hicks to purchase the neighboring house. “I believe it’ll be a terrific long-term investment, Cole.”

My father and my friend Perry were cut from the same cloth and, coincidentally, both had a business relationship with Mr. Hicks. My father was an early investor and advisor for his software innovation, and Perry managed his assets. Frankly, I was exhausted with how the world was so money-obsessed.

“I agree with you, Alex,” Mr. Hicks replied. “I’m enjoying the beauty and the quiet of a smaller city. Being from New York City, the peace has been wonderful.”

Our guest came into the large area where the kitchen, dining room, and an open rec room were located. The space was oversized and casual. Mom preferred her formal areas to be on the other end of the house. As a family, we ate, relaxed, and lived in this giant room that was surrounded by windows, affording a spectacular view of the Atlantic Ocean.

“Chad,” my father began, moving to Mr. Hicks’ side. “Our dinner guest is here.”

I wanted to remain seated and blend in with the furniture, but knew how disappointed Dad would be with that type of behavior. Plus, I was raised better than that and genuinely appreciated good manners.

I came to my feet and crossed the room. “Hello, Mr. Hicks. And welcome.” I held out my hand even though we’d previously met. “My mother has prepared a terrific dinner that you will love. I can promise you that.”

He took my hand and, surprisingly, held it for a moment too long before letting go. Our eyes connected, but neither set gave a single emotion away. He was a handsome man, and all of his attributes were on full display. His upper body was barely concealed by a form-fitting black T-shirt, where his chest and biceps were the stars of the show. Casual golf slacks hugged his thighs and stretched around something obvious. I diverted my eyes before they widened with desire at my discovery.

“I’m sure of that,” he effused, turning to smile at Mom. She beamed in return. Who wouldn’t? The man was spectacular to look at. “But please call me Cole. May I call you Chad?”

“You sure can,” I said, heading back to the sofa before Mom cut me off and herded me to the kitchen island. She had a board full of delights to show off and, apparently, I was going to attend the unveiling.
