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“That is an incredibly kind thing to say.”

“I like you, Chad. I like you a lot, to be honest,” he added. “And I can’t tell you how happy I am that you thought to share this accomplishment with me.”

“But you called me,” I began. “I might not have stopped by otherwise, even though I did think about you a lot.”

“Doesn’t matter who called who,” he corrected. “I’m just happy you picked up the call.”

I motioned to the truck. “Shall we?” I asked.

“Lead the way.”

I gave Cole the complete tour. We went over the items I would sell, the interior equipment, and how I’d tailored the kitchen improvements to my menu. He enthusiastically listened and gave input occasionally, encouraging me every step of the tour. He even offered to design my point-of-sale equipment and build the software program to the iPad I planned on using to cash out my customers. “Free of charge for the hottest guy on the beach,” he said.

“I was on my way home to show my folks when you called,” I said.

“I won’t keep you then.” He jumped out the back door, turned toward me, and smiled. “They’re going to love it.”

He looked so handsome and loving as he stared at me approvingly. I felt several of the dozen miniature locks on my heart click open. Cole cared for me. His face said it all. I didn’t need a message or a sixth sense from the universe. His emotions were front and center for me to easily decipher.

“Wanna go with?” I asked excitedly.

“You sure?” he replied, quickly looking away as emotion rippled across his face, filling his eyes.

“I want you to make them feel the way you just made me feel,” I stated. “Thank you, Cole. Thank you for believing in me. It’s been a long time.”

“For me too,” he confessed. “And thank you for being a friend.”

I reached down to grab his hand and pulled him into the truck. We stood motionless for a moment before he pulled me in for a kiss. “To new beginnings,” I whispered after the passionate kiss. “Can I bring you back for a movie date after Mom and Dad’s?”

Cole slowly nodded his head. “I’d like that.”

“I could cook dinner for us too,” I added. “That is, if you’ve grocery shopped lately.”

“How about we stop by the store on the way back?” he said, laughing.

“Mr. Hicks,” I admonished. “What am I going to do with you?”

He raised his eyebrows. “Cook me a good dinner, and then anything you want.”

Yep, he liked me.


I’d forgotten to pull the blinds when we went to sleep the night before and sunrise illuminated the bedroom. Soft hues of yellow gold lit the walls with the quiet explosion of a new day. I slipped out of bed to lower the blinds before the brightness woke Chad.

His heavy breathing clued me into his slumber. The evening had been warm, and we’d left the window open for the cool night breeze. Chad was face down on the bed, his hair splayed across his pillow, his backside fully exposed from where he’d kicked off the sheet.

He was like a little boy when he slept. Rambunctious, with his wild limbs and the way he’d cuddle up when cool, and then semi-aggressively push me away when warm again. I stood by the window and stared at the quiet surf and orange sky. The view was simply magical and took my breath away. How long had it been since I’d viewed a new day with such joy? Ever?

Chad’s chest slowly inflated and then deflated, imperceptibly lifting him from the bed while I ravished him with my eyes. He had one arm thrown across my pillow, not recognizing that I wasn’t there. The other arm was tucked under his chest.

My eyes locked onto his bright locks, a messy nest of glory, before they followed down his back and to the narrowest of waists. He was golden brown until the white separation line of his ass. It was there that my gaze focused on the most perfect butt I had ever seen. The picture-perfect symmetry of each round cheek was a sight to behold. Without even touching them, one could see the velvety texture of his flawless white skin.

Long lean legs were slightly parted, one askew with a bent knee as he fought for a comfortable position earlier. The tan began again, just above his knees. Board shorts weren’t designed to create the perfect tan line, but I doubted Chad would ever be in a Speedo, so it didn’t matter.

“You love him, don’t you?” the voice said.

“I do,” I mouthed, no longer afraid of the messages.
