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Cheyanne gets her groove back. Yeah. That she does.



The last practice goes well, like the many before it.

Helena the Hobbit and Irene the Ink Sprayer hit their ring marks, as do Camie and Chey. Their routine is down pat. I know it’s a hit when I laugh, cheer, and boo in all the right places.

It’s been over two weeks now of weight training, sprints, hitting the mats, and getting their sketch just right, but Chey and Camie are fighters.

Even at the lowest moments, when the four literally trip over each other's limbs, or jump off the ropes and miss their targets, they can laugh at themselves and try to try again.

And it’s Chey who amazes me the most.

“Get up. Let’s try that again,” she insists, ignoring how much she’s already put into practice.

“But we’re beat,” the other wrestlers say.

“Tough titties. We’re not leaving this ring until we can coordinate our moves blindfolded.”

“Blindfolded!” they protest.

Helena, Irene, and Camie look to me to referee this discussion and tamp down Chey’s enthusiasm. I shake my head and cover my mouth with my hand. I can’t let the girls see how happy I am with Chey. Ever since developing Disastra, Chey’s confidence has soared. No longer is she acting in someone’s shadow. She is her own person. Someone who hungers for more.

“Aw, c’mon, Ronan. Stop this human bulldozer. She’s running us ragged,” Helena says.

“And so she should. Stay in that ring until Chey says you can come out.” I offer a stern expression, belying my laughing eyes.

Despite not being signed to any franchise, all four put in their all. I’m so dead proud of these girls. They’ve worked hard to make a team worth being signed, and I know someday they will be. And more and more, my biggest source of pride is Chey.

If Joseph knew of their secret, if he could see Chey in action like this, he would be bowled over with pride. I envision him yelling from the gym rooftop. “Chey, you’re beyond your mother’s guidance now. You are Moira, only a superbly better version. It’s time to walk away from the past.”

But I know it’s a fantasy in my head. I don’t discard it. I file it away.

I climb the bleachers to get a better look at the tag team from above.

Chey’s moves… They’re so aquiline. Her body seems to float over the mat. Her take-downs excite me. They’re exacting, forceful, and filled with confidence only a veteran has. Most shocking to me is the fact that Chey acts almost as if she were an orc. She’s strong but with feminine grace.

My heart beats faster when she’s in the ring. I assume it’s the same for every other man watching such beauty and perfection. But maybe it’s not. Maybe I don’t want it to be.

Chey finally lets the girls take a break.

I step down to make notes at the coach’s table. It’s not long until Chey comes over. By her crooked smile and overactive eyebrows, she’s in scheming mode. The only question is, scheming for whom? I sit back with a wide smile and crossed arms and await what will be an amusing show.

Chey sits atop the table and leans over. “You know, my dad would be thrilled to have you and the revamped Lawless on his roster. He’d gladly buy out your contract and give you whatever you needed to transform Lawless into a good guy, an avenger of justice.”

I chuckle. Oh, so she’s pitching me. I sit back and digest her words, wondering where all this is coming from. Is this display solely in aid of caring for her father’s franchise success? Or is this something more?

I gaze up at the statuesque beauty, finding it damn hard to keep my thoughts straight. Or my hungry orc eyes. I force a sober look and nod often.

“Plus, your brand would be a money-maker for Dad. Lawless is a household name around Briarwood and beyond. Your fan base is so large. Dead easy to promote. There are so many costs in starting up a new franchise. You joining Fool’s Gold could be a win-win for you both.”

I so want to buy into her master plan. I figure my head is woozy from Chey’s body scent, a heady mix of jasmine and sweat. Orc manna from heaven.

“I appreciate what you’re saying. But your secret training sessions would come out in the open if Joseph took me on. You know it would. You and I couldn’t hide under a bushel then.”

“Yeah, maybe so. Maybe it would be worth it.”
