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I breathe. I don’t say one word. But I breathe.

Chey buries a sob and whispers. “Like you and everyone in the world has known forever. And I’ve been fighting against it the entire time. To bury Archimedes was to bury my mom forever. And I’d rather burn in Hell than do that. But she’s gone. And no amount of repression on my part will change that.”

I lean in and hold Chey tightly. Words would only hurt now.

Chey looks up. “I’m so… I’m so sorry, for everything.”

“Nothing to be sorry for. Loss of family, of loved ones, it’s the greatest loss of all. Who says a daughter has to grieve the way the rest of the world does? You were Moira’s daughter. That’s a bond beyond all bonds. For people in this callous industry to push you to let go of Archimedes before you were ready is beyond cruel.”

“Just so you know. I’m not angry with Dee Dee. Sure, she was snooping into things that weren’t her business. But I’m at fault, too. I looked at Dee Dee as an industry joke. More pitying her than taking her seriously. Maybe we all did. It’s really no wonder she saw me as an enemy of sorts and lashed out. Maybe if I had been more patient and listened. I could have helped her on her way. But I was so caught up in my own world. Dee Dee is not the one to blame.”

I take Chey’s head in my hands. “You are the kindest, more forgiving soul I’ve ever met in a human. I always thought humans were wild cards you never could trust. But you’re… you’re an angel.”

I lean in. Chey leans in, too.

Our lips met. And what starts as soft, light kisses…

Well, let’s just say our dandelion tea is the only thing that gets cold.



I don't give him the chance to say anything else. I move closer to him, wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him ferociously. This time I want it fast and hard.

"Fuck me," I tell him. "Fuck me hard. I want to forget everything but this, right here and now."

He raises a brow at my request but seems eager enough. He rips my shirt off, shredding the material. His mouth finds my nipples, and he sucks them to hardened peaks.

My body tingles with anticipation as he takes control, his touch igniting a wildfire within me. I crave his dominance, yearning for the raw intensity that only he can provide. With each nibble and lick, I feel myself surrendering to the pleasure that courses through my veins.

I let out a moan, my voice laced with desire. "Yes, just like that," I gasp, arching my back to meet his lips. His hands roam down my sides, tracing the curves of my body and leaving a trail of fiery sensations in their wake.

I moan deeper into the kiss as his hand slowly slides down my stomach, teasingly brushing against my still-clothed mound while he keeps sucking on my nipples. My body shudders at his touch, desperate for more contact.

When he reaches the waistband of my pants, he tugs them down gently. "So fucking wet," he whispers huskily before trailing his nose along the edge of my panties, inhaling deeply. His eyes darken with lust when they meet mine again as if he's drinking in every ounce of need I have for him.

"You want me inside you?" he asks gruffly between heavy breaths.

I nod eagerly. "Yes, please."

He stands up and roughly pulls off his clothes, revealing his muscled chest and rock-hard cock that throbs with anticipation. Then he removes my panties, grabs me by the hips, lifts me up onto the table, and positions himself between my legs.

With one swift thrust, he's inside me, filling me completely. I gasp in pleasure at how full I feel. The friction is exquisite as he starts moving slowly but surely, each stroke deeper than the last. My fingers dig into his shoulders as I try to hold onto him tightly, but our rhythm picks up quickly as we grind against each other like animals in heat.

The sound of our skin slapping together echoes around the room as he thrusts deeper into me, taking me hard and fast. His mouth finds mine again, demanding my submission as we wrestle against each other. He kisses me like he owns me, which maybe he does at this moment because all I care about is that cock inside of me and seeing him consumed by our lust.

I can feel his warmth spreading through my body like wildfire, making every nerve ending alight with pleasure. My hands explore his muscular back, tracing the indentations of his spine while he holds onto my hips, guiding our movements.

He lifts his hips slightly, hitting that spot inside of me that makes me scream out in ecstasy. The sound vibrates through him as he growls into my mouth, his tongue dancing with mine like an erotic waltz. We're lost in each other; two souls connected by primal desire.

Our bodies are slick with sweat as we grind against one another in perfect harmony. Every time he thrusts into me, it’s like a lightning bolt of pleasure shooting through every nerve ending in my body. Waves of heat wash over us both like an ocean tide crashing onto sandy shores.

I gasp for air between kisses when he bites down on my neck lightly before whispering dirty words against my skin which send shivers down my spine. His hands move up to cup my breasts roughly, pinching the nipples before squeezing them between his fingers. My breath hitches as he continues to thrust into me, harder and faster, matching the tempo of our passionate lovemaking.

We're in sync as we move together, our hips grinding against each other like a dance only we know how to perform. His moans mix with mine, creating a harmony of raw lust that fills the room. I run my nails along his back, leaving tiny red lines in their wake as he growls low in his throat, taking control once more and demanding more of my submission.

It feels so good to be taken like this, to be wanted and desired by him so deeply that it hurts. It makes me feel alive in ways I never thought possible.
