Page 68 of Make My Heart Race

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I wasn’t going to last long at this rate, the tight grip of her around me like a drug haze I was lost in. Seeing my desperation, Hayes did me a favor, reaching beneath my girl to play with her clit and whisper filthy things in her ear.

“You take his cock like such a good girl.” His words made her pussy clench, and I groaned as I held onto my control by a tenuous thread. “He’s stretching you so wide, but I think that one day, you’ll be able to take us both. What do you think of that, baby? You want us both sliding in that tight little pussy?”

She screamed something unintelligible as she came, and I was helpless but to fall along with her, my body unloading so much inside her that it leaked out around my cock. I pulled out, feeling light-headed, and stumbled to my ass, but not before I gathered her up, holding her back tight to my chest.

“Stellina,” I gasped. I actually had no words. I ran my hand up and down over her stomach, hips, breasts, trying to remember the very feel of this moment.

Hayes came and knelt on the couch. “She’s not done yet, are you, baby? You can still take me?”

He leaned forward, seemingly completely unfazed that she was spread over my body like a feast. “Look at you, leaking cum all over his body. Maybe I’ll have to fuck it all right back up inside you. Wouldn’t want to waste it, right?”

Holy. Shit.

She made a begging noise, and Hayes quickly had her legs wrapped around his hips as he began literally fucking her into my body. My spent dick started to wake up at the sound of her sweet moans, the squelching sound of Hayes doing just what he said. I returned the favor from earlier, playing softly with her overstimulated clit, just gentle taps in time with his thrusts until she was coming all over again, the force of her orgasm making cum slide right out of her and all over my abdomen. It was chased by more of Hayes’s seed as he shuddered through his own release.

Why the fuck was that so hot?

Hot liquid dripped down my ribs. Holy hell, had Jesse jerked off on me? But as I ran my hands up Tally’s body, I realized her breasts were leaking milk. We all folded up into a sitting position, and I was probably going to have to get this couch dry-cleaned.

“Holy shit, my boobs leaked everywhere?” she gasped, her cheeks not flushed with orgasms, but embarrassment. Jesse knelt between her thighs and licked the milk from her skin, while I looked over his head at Hayes.

“Did we call for cleanup in the dairy aisle?”

Tally looked up at me, horrified, before her lips began to curl, first into a smirk, then into a full-blown grin, complete with dimples. “Watch it with the cow jokes, Passero.” She slumped back against my chest. “Best. Christmas. Present. Ever.”

I couldn’t disagree.



The wind had picked up, but it didn’t dampen my excitement even a little. Or maybe it was because Mickey Macguire was bouncing around like an over-enthusiastic puppy, which was kind of infectious.

It was track testing day, which meant I’d finally get to drive around a track for the first time in way too long. We were all in race suits, though they were just practice ones, and it felt so damn right on my body again.

My knee bounced where I sat beside Rocco, and he laughed. “If you two don’t stop, you’re going to need a nap before lunch time.”

Mickey looked at Rocco like his every word was a biblical revelation. Man, had I ever been that awestruck by another driver?

Uh, yeah.

“Don’t you still feel the excitement, Rocco? Or is it just because it’s an IndyCar and not a Formula One car?” Mickey asked.

Rocco shook his head. “I’m excited on the inside, kid. You’ll learn how to be excited or nervous or scared without giving it away to other drivers, or the media who’ll have their cameras in your face.” Rocco pulled me closer, his hand wrapping around my thigh to stop the bounce. “Every good racer knows that the race begins as soon as you arrive at the track. Nothing but confidence. You’re going to win every single time. And if you don’t win that time, you think about what you can change so you’ll win next time. It’s about the mind as much as about your skills behind the wheel.”

His hand slid further up my thigh, but Mickey didn’t notice, so focused on the words coming from Rocco’s mouth. I grinned, knowing he wasn’t just talking about driving. I grabbed his hand before it could get too not-safe-for-work, though I was saved from permanently scarring the young driver when Ari Rome shouted, “Mickey!”

I reached out and bumped the kid’s knuckles. “Be confident and all that shit, but remember to have fun too.”

He grinned, such a wide, innocent expression. “Will do, Tally.”

He jogged back into the garage, and I shook my head. He was nineteen, but I swear he’d lived and breathed racing for so long, he’d forgotten to have any social experience. The kid was about as socially inept as it gets, but he was sweet. It made me feel kind of maternal, which was insane considering I was only a couple of years older than him. Maybe it was motherhood.

With Mickey gone, Rocco pulled me closer and nuzzled my neck. “Are you excited, Stellina? Ready to be doing what you were born to do once more?”

I sighed happily. The only thing that could make today better was if I was starting, but I knew my limitations. I didn’t even have close to enough experience behind the wheel of a live IndyCar, so I wasn’t ready. But one day I would be, and then the world would know my name.

“Rocco!” someone called, and he kissed me softly and walked into the garage. “You too, Tally.”
