Page 77 of Make My Heart Race

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“Look at the time.”

As if on cue, Hayes hollered at her from downstairs. He was a hollerer. It was from living with a bunch of sisters—I’d met them, and I could promise you, if you weren’t shouting in their household growing up, you weren’t going to be heard.

“Tally, let’s go! We’re going to be late!”

I sighed and kissed both her cheeks. “Come on, before Hayes gets his panties in a twist.” Shooing her into the bathroom to wash up quickly, I picked out her favorite work uniform: a VANT Racing polo and a pair of well-worn dark jeans that cupped her ass like my hands loved to do.

When she emerged from the bathroom a couple of minutes later, you’d never guess that I’d just fucked her within an inch of my life a moment ago. She looked so put-together that I wanted to drag her back to bed and ruin it all over again.

“Stop looking at me like that,” she groaned, coming over to kiss me as she threw on her clothes. “Hayes will have a coronary if we’re late again.”

I pouted, but didn’t protest. I just watched her get dressed, like this was a reverse strip show. She stopped and eyed me suspiciously. “What?”

Shrugging, I picked at my nails, like I wasn’t thinking completely debaucherous thoughts. “Oh, I was just realizing that my cum will be dripping from you all day.”

She came to lean across my lap, straddling my thighs. “You like that idea, don’t you? Marking me so everyone knows I’m yours?”

Fuck. If she didn’t stop right now, I was going to have an uncomfortable boner that I’d need my own cold shower to hide.

Grinning because she knew she had the upper hand, she slid from my lap and held out a hand. “Come on, handsome. Let’s go find the others.”

Bobbi-June wasn’t in her room, so I assumed she was already downstairs with the guys. This was confirmed when I saw Hayes feeding her a bottle on the couch.

“We have that nine a.m. meeting, so we’ll have to hustle.” He stood, still feeding the baby as he handed her over to me. Rocco kissed Bobbi-June’s head, then handed Tally a coffee in a travel mug, as well as a muffin.

“I thought you may be hungry after your morning workout,” he said with a wink, and I grinned smugly.

Popping Bobbi-June over my shoulder, I burped her as I followed everyone to the door. “Have a good day,” I called as they walked down into the garage, climbing into the monstrous Lincoln SUV that Rocco had bought Tally so she could return her loan car back to VANT Racing. It could fit us all very comfortably if we needed to go somewhere together.

Rocco had also gotten me a Volvo so I could drive around with Bobbi-June, because it was safer for the baby than my truck. I hadn’t even protested, because there was very little I wouldn’t do to keep Bobbi-June safe, and on that, both Rocco and I could agree.

Did it make me feel like a kept woman? Maybe a little. But honestly, who the fuck cared?

“Okay, kiddo, what’s on the agenda today? I think we should watch that show with the dogs first, then breakfast, and then we might head out to look at a place I want to flip out near Palo Alto. And then, we might go to the grocery store and buy some stuff for Dada Hay-Hay’s homemade chili for dinner and see how tough Papa Rocco is, hey? That stuff will put hairs on your chest.” Junie gurgled happily, and I laughed. “You little troublemaker. I love it.”

After I made myself a coffee in my travel mug, we sat down to watch a colorful show about Australian dogs, then another one with a woman in a bright pink shirt and some dungarees. At nearly four months, I felt like Bobbi-June paid better attention to things around her now, and I wasn’t sure if that was advanced or not, but it felt advanced. A few short weeks ago, she’d basically been a fragile little potato that cried and pooped and slept. Now she smiled at me, and it was the greatest feeling in the world.

“You’re the cutest baby in the world, do you know that? I bet you do.” Sliding her up and into my arms, I grabbed the morning dishes and stacked them in the dishwasher. The housekeeper didn’t come until tomorrow, and we’d quadrupled her cleaning quota so I tried to help out at least a little. “Okay, let’s go get dressed and get on with the day, Junie.”

I’d just put her in a tiny little yellow dress, with a pair of striped pink tights and a sweater when my phone rang. I wiggled it out of my pocket to see an unknown number lighting up the screen.


“Hello, is this Jesse Banks?” an official-sounding voice asked from the other end of the line.

I juggled Bobbi-June into one arm so I could clutch the phone tighter to my ear. “Yeah, speaking?”

“This is Officer Chrissimos of the Redwood City Police Department. There’s been an accident.”



“Do you think we should look into getting daycare or something for Bobbi-June? Just, like, a day or so a week, so Jesse can have some time off? He can go out and do stuff he likes to do, maybe ride his bike or something? I feel like I’ve trapped him at home. Maybe I should talk to Antony about working from home one day a week.”

I was sitting in the back of the giant Lincoln, glad that Rocco was driving it. The thing was like a tank and almost impossible to park, not that I’d ever admit that out loud.

Rocco shrugged. “He seems to enjoy it. I caught him watching that kids’ program with the dogs the other day while Bobbi-June was asleep.”
