Page 43 of Going Deep

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Gray laughed and so did Jack. They snuggled up against each other, none of them bothered by the fact that they were sweat-soaked and covered in cum. Gray had no intention of moving until morning. He needed to be right where he was, wrapped up in his amazing partners.


The next morning Gray woke to the smell of coffee and bacon. Next to a blowjob, that was his very favorite way to start the day, and with two men in his life, he occasionally had the pleasure of both methods in one day. This morning, though, Mason was still sound asleep, as he ought to be after what Gray had put him through the night before.

Gray kissed Mason’s temple, then slid from the bed. He was going to have to go in to work after breakfast, so he showered and dressed. By then Mason was stirring. Jack handed Gray coffee without attempting conversation until Gray had drained most of the cup. “Awake now?”

“Give me bacon and I might be.”

Jack grinned. Mason entered the kitchen a few moments later in plaid sleep pants and nothing else. The chilly air had pebbled his nipples. Gray wanted to suck them to warm them up, but that would lead to other things, which would lead to Gray being late for work.

Mason accepted coffee from Jack. Then Jack waved them both toward the table.

They ate in silence for the most part, none of them fully awake. When he’d polished off everything on his plate, Gray sighed. He needed to go, but he would so much rather spend the rest of the day loving his boyfriends instead of thinking about what would drive someone to cruelly kill teenagers.

“You okay?” Jack asked, laying a hand over Gray’s.

Gray nodded, then shook his head. “No, but I’ve got to get to work whether I am or not.”

“Before you leave, what about rescheduling our trip?”

“What?” The question caught Gray by surprise, though it shouldn’t have.

“I’ve got to call and let the rental place know we’re not coming.”

“Um…” The nightmare Gray’d had came flooding back.

“This case isn’t going to last forever,” Jack said.

“I know. It’s just…”

“Gray, why don’t you just tell us what’s bothering you,” Mason asked as he walked to the kitchen to put his plate in the dishwasher.

Gray glanced at the clock. “I’ll call the rental place, okay, and I’ll find out what they have available in the next few weeks, but I’ve really got to get to work, and I can’t think about this right now.”

Jack looked so disappointed. Gray was fucking up again.

“It’s okay,” Mason said. “I guess now’s not the time to whine about a vacation.”

Jack nodded. “Yeah, I’m sorry.” He stood and wrapped his arms around Gray.

“We just want to take care of you,” Mason said, making it a three-way hug.

Gray shook his head. “You shouldn’t have to.”

“Gray, this is a relationship,” Jack admonished. “That means there’s give and take. You get to be the one who needs help just like we do.”

Gray frowned. “I don’t like that.” He sounded like a fucking pouty child. What was wrong with him?

Jack rolled his eyes. “Of course you don’t.” He gave Gray a gentle kiss. “Now get going.”

Mason kissed Gray too, just a brief brush of lips, but their unconditional love was enough to give Gray the strength to face the day.

Gray and Thornton had been over all the evidence again and again. They’d considered every angle they could come up with, searched Andreas’s wife’s past, studied all his contacts, checked any footage they could find of people entering his home office over the last few weeks. They couldn’t find a single connection with someone from his wife’s past.

They had men out looking for Jenna. Where would she go? If only Gray could figure that out. He’d tried to contact Vandal but had no luck. He hoped the man was still alive.

A few days ago, Gray had thought having a motive would lead them right to the killer. Now they had both a motive and a suspect, but they couldn’t fucking find him.
