Page 13 of Submission

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Paisley Daisy: It’s good! A little boring. My mom caught me sneaking out so I’m stuck reading.

Pippa Longstocking: Wait! You mean you’re not coming out!

Paisley Daisy: I forgot to message you. I’m so sorry. No, I most def will NOT be there tonight. Mama Paige and her uncanny sixth sense came checking on me—literally when I was opening my bedroom door to leave.

Pippa Longstocking: It won’t be the same without you. My sixth sense was telling me you actually had a shot tonight.

Paisley Daisy: So was mine.

Pippa Longstocking: You want me to not go?

My stomach tightens with the worst kind of FOMO possible. I know it’s imaginary but still, the idea of my best friend going on with the plans we made together when I can’t be a part of them sickens me.

It feels good to feel pain, to think about how she would feel.

Paisley Daisy: No, no. You go.

Pippa Longstocking: Nah. I’ll wait for you. Tomorrow for sure, right?

Paisley Daisy: For sure!

I don’t tell her it’ll be my last time going. I’ve promised myself that I won’t go back. Not after I’ve told everyone my goodbyes.

Paisley Daisy: I’ll do whatever I have to do to make sure I’m there. Even if it means telling my mom there’s going to be an online sale for Jimmy Choos but you have to be logged on an hour ahead if you want a pair.

The messaging pauses for a moment. I know exactly what she’s thinking. We’ve been like this since we met—reading one another’s minds.

Paisley Daisy: Pip??

Pippa Longstocking: I’m here. I just can’t believe it…

Paisley Daisy: I know, but we’ve talked about this…

Pippa Longstocking: I know, I know…

Paisley Daisy: Not much is changing. Not really.

But we both know it’s a lie.

Everything is changing. The thing we’ve been waiting for, longing for, the thing that just couldn’t come quick enough… finally came.

Paisley Daisy: We’re all grown up.

Pippa Longstocking: Doesn’t feel like it.

Paisley Daisy: I know. Because you’re not here. And it’s all my fault.

The screen goes blank.


A few hours after the meeting with the heads of the family, Savage/Paolo must get through the smiling and small talk till he can leave for his guest cabin, but is still waiting to be summoned to the library for the talk with Bronson and Paige


“What,” I say again, demanding Rowan tell me what he knows. “Tell me.”

Rowan drops his gaze from mine. He sets his glass down on an empty high-top table beside us. “God. I should have kept my fucking mouth shut. It’s just a rumor and you know how those things spread around here.”
