Page 73 of Submission

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His tone is light, teasing as he interrupts my naughty thoughts as he addresses Anni. “Day shift is fair game. Don’t distract any of my men on duty.”

“Game on,” Anni says.

Sav holds his glass up to hers. “Thank you for your home.”

We exchange a few more pleasantries, me of course biting my tongue, playing it cool, and holding back my millions of fighting-related questions, understanding she’s said that’s for tomorrow’s agenda. Then she leaves, a small leather overnight bag slung over her shoulder. The door closes behind her and it’s just Sav and me.

“So.” I stand from my seat, reaching over and grabbing the green bottle by the neck. “This is possibly the best stop on our trip,” I say, easing back down into my seat, refilling both our glasses. I level my eyes at him. “But why are we really here?”

“Whoa,” he says, looking away from me as he takes the bottle away. “This stuff is strong.” He puts the cork back in the top and goes to the cabinet to put it back where Anni got it from.

Which rubs me the wrong way. Is he looking out for me or is he controlling me? I’m a grown woman.

I can’t make my own decisions when it comes to my security. I get that. I accept it and I appreciate what the team does for me.

What he is doing for me.

I highly doubt my engagement tour was at the top of his list for his next possible missions.

But it’s my body to do with as I wish. No one dictates what I put inside my body but me. Like pushing his hand down my pants last night. But then he’s telling me he can’t kiss me, and now he’s controlling my alcohol intake. Little fingernails of annoyance scratch at the back of my neck, putting me on edge. I lift the glass, tipping the entire cup of brown liquor down my throat.

Like she did.

A real independent woman.

I run my tongue over my lips, licking up every last drop. “Yummy. I want more.”

I stand, the liquor immediately going to my head, and I feel warm, loose, and relaxed. I can feel his eyes on me as I make my way across the small kitchen, going to retrieve the bottle from the cabinet. I open the cabinet door, glancing back to smile at him as I reveal the green glass bottle sitting on the shelf.

I grip the neck of the bottle, holding it on the shelf as I offer him some. “Would you like a refill too?”

He pushes back in his chair, crossing his leg and resting the side of his foot on his knee. He folds his arms over his chest, staring me down. “Don’t.”

“Wow. Caveman speaks one word. Do you have anything else you’d like to add to that comment?”

He surprises me with a “Don’t take that bottle off the shelf. Please.”

I’m not expecting the please. I reward his politeness with a response. “Why?”

He stands, stretching out to all six feet and some change of him, his wide shoulders filling up the small cabin, and stares me down. “Because if you don’t leave that bottle on the shelf, I’m going to have to spank your ass.”

I squeeze the bottle tight, the liquid courage buzzing in my head, the sexy way he looks standing there all big and tan…and sexy.

Something comes over me, maybe Anni’s sensual energy, the way she commands a room, making me feel like she’d never let a man tell her when to stop drinking. I’m unsure but something in me snaps.

And so, I pull the bottle down from the shelf, cock a hip at him, and say, “Is that a threat?” Pop the cork and ask, “Or a promise?”



I grab the bottle from one of her hands, the cork from the other. I reseal the bottle, return it to the shelf and slam the cabinet door shut.

She’s standing there, still sassy. “Hey! I was going to drink that?—”

I swoop in, cutting off her words. “No, you weren’t.” I cover her body with mine. My nearness. Cup her face in my hand. Lean down close enough to kiss her.

Her eyes go all starry, thinking she’s finally going to get what she wants. Her bottom lip pushes forward. “Was so.”
