Page 17 of Daddy's Direction

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“I’m just asking to find out how much of a support system you have. Occasionally, you and I will need some time alone without kids around to discuss things and deal with infractions. But we can talk more about that later. For now, I’m sending you and Nyla to a spa.”

“A spa? Are you kidding me? I can’t afford a fucking spa.” I was instantly livid and ready to call the whole thing off, convinced he hadn’t heard a word I’d said the night before. Every extra cent I had was going into my arrangement with him, and he should know that. What the hell was he thinking?

“I said I was sending you. I did not imply that I expected you to pay for it. Maybe you should learn to listen and ask questions instead of jumping to conclusions, making assumptions, and panic spiraling.”

His pointed look combined with the truth in his words shut me down fast. For a minute, at least. “I don’t want you to buy me things,” I huffed.

Bain drew a deep breath and it was clear that I was wearing out his patience. “I’ll consider keeping that in mind in the future, but for now, to be clear, I wasn’t asking you, I was telling you. And before you argue, it’s already paid in full and it's nonrefundable.”

I was pretty sure he was lying about the nonrefundable part, but I couldn’t be sure, and I hated that he could basically do anything by just pulling the ‘in charge Daddy’ thing like it was some magic get out of jail free card. And it worked, but that didn’t mean I had to make it easy for him.

“Why did you do that?” I questioned, shaking my head and putting my hands on my hips. “You’re not supposed to buy me things! That's not part of this.”

Was I trying to rile him up? Maybe, but it wasn't working. Bain just stared me down and answered me calmly and evenly.

“First of all, I can spend my money on whoever and whatever I would like. It’s like…the main perk of having it. Second of all, please humor me. Consider it an apology for my screw-up last night.”

And…we were back to that again. I knew he felt guilty even if I didn’t fully understand why, but that didn’t mean I was going to let him use his guilt to manipulate me. “I told you I was fine, Bain. You didn’t have to throw your money around and buy my forgiveness. It’s really not necessary.”

“That’s not what I’m doing, and I believe you’re telling the truth when you say you’re fine, but Jazz, you’re new to this. You may not know how a dynamic like this is supposed to play out, but I do. I’ve been doing this a long time. I know the rules, and I didn’t follow them. It may have worked out, but it could have ended very badly.”

I sighed, knowing that continuing to argue this point with him would be like beating a dead horse. If sending me to the spa would make Bain happy, why couldn’t I just go to the damn spa? It would make me happy, too! I would be lying if I claimed I wasn’t kind of excited about a day of pampering. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d done anything remotely spa day-ish. Maybe before I got married?

“Okay,” I said, “If it means that much to you, I’ll go.”

“Good girl. Thank you.”

It felt weird for him to thank me when he was the one dropping money on me, but I responded with, “You’re welcome,” anyway.

Bain looked at his watch. “The car will be here to pick you two up any minute. Like I said, the tab is paid, you have open access to all of the services the spa offers, so take advantage of it.”

“I’ve never even been to a spa. I’m going to be so out of my element.” I sipped my coffee, thinking about all the ways I could embarrass myself in a place like that.

“I’m not sending you in blind. Nyla will help along the way. You just enjoy yourself.”

“What are you going to do while I’m gone?” He had told me we were going to chat about things today, but instead he was sending me away, so I couldn’t help my curiosity at the change of plans.

“Oh, don’t you worry your pretty little head about that. I’ve got plenty to keep me busy. After your spa services you’ll come back here, and we will finally have that long- awaited chat I can see you’re just dying to have,” he teased with a wink.

I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. “Oh yes, I’m chomping at the bit to know how you’re going to fix my life with some rules.”

“And punishments.” He smiled and I felt my stomach clench.

“Yeah that too, I guess,” I mumbled, taking a sip of my coffee before changing the subject. “Didn’t Nyla say there were donuts?”

Bain raised his eyebrows, but a hint of a smile played at the corners of his mouth. “She did, and there are. You both can enjoy them on your way to the spa; your car is here.”

“How do you know?” I furrowed my brows. You couldn’t see the street from my kitchen.

“I got a text.” He held up his arm and pointed to his fancy smart watch.

Rich people sure do lead different lives.

“Car is here,” Nyla announced, poking her head into the kitchen.

“What do I even need to take with me?” My heart picked up the pace and panic bubbled in my belly. I’d wasted time arguing when I should have been getting ready!

Bain looked at Nyla, obviously stumped by my question.
