Page 26 of The Night Rising

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Killian nodded. “That’s exactly what Drake said.”

This new development was worrisome. We needed to talk to the demon hunters, figure out more about this mage and this portal. We had to know where it went to. Someone had to know something. Hopefully, there was another one of these keys and we could get a hold of it.

Killian’s phone rang. He glanced at the screen and frowned. “It’s Drake,” he said. “Yes?” he answered.

“Bring Shane,” Drake said. “We're meeting in ten minutes.”



I had a wonderful time with my family and friends. Minsi played like never before and Aurora treated her kindly. Tyren and Hugh remained a little reclusive, most of the time on their phone, but whenever a female vampire walked by, they stared at her. A few weeks ago, Tyren had been so into Lucille, but that seemed to have passed.

Rue was emotional, but she held it together. I made sure to tell her she meant a lot to me and that I appreciated everything she had done for me and for the kids. And now I would need more from her.

“Don’t be silly,” she said, tears in her eyes. “I do it because I love them.”

Lucille caught on that something was wrong, but I didn’t want to spoil my mood, so I told her to ask Rue later.

Thea enjoyed watching, and Lavinia and Almae teased each other. The aunt and niece duo had only met seven months ago, and they had been spending a lot of time together.

Two hours into our picnic, dragon’s magic grew restless. I told them all to continue the picnic for as long as they wanted, but I was done. I needed to drink the elixir and stay in my suite.

I entered the castle and a sense of loneliness fell over me. I left them all behind, including Shane. I would leave them all behind forever. What I had told Shane earlier was true. I wasn’t afraid of dying, but I was afraid of not being here when Minsi had a panic attack, when she had a terrible nightmare and needed someone to hug her, when Tyren and Shane fought and someone needed to intervene, when he found his mate and wanted to celebrate, when they got married.

Leaving Shane with a broken heart.

That was what hurt the most.

The emotions swirled inside of me, agitating the dragon’s magic. My hands shook as I entered my suite, found the elixir, and drank it. I sat on my bed, taking several lungfuls of air, my mind blank. Slowly, the elixir acted and my hands stopped shaking.

A knock came at the door.

My heart kicked up a notch and I stood, apprehensive.

Thea opened the door and walked in. My shoulders deflated. “You were expecting someone else.”

I shrugged. “He probably wouldn’t knock.”

She nodded. “Whatever it is, don’t worry, he’ll come around.”

I knew he would. He was my fated mate. We loved each other fiercely. “We’re wasting time.”

She stared at me, her gray eyes so serious. “Before, you were determined to control the dragon magic and help us fight Paimon. If you've changed your mind, I understand. We won’t pressure you into doing anything you don’t want to.”

I shook my head. “I haven’t changed my mind. I still want to fight him.”

She pressed a hand over her chest. “That’s good to hear. Then, if you’re ready, let’s go train.”

* * *

Thea didn’t want to waste time so we didn’t go to the Silver Moon Academy. Instead, we went deep into the woods, to a big clearing.

“What if I lose control and start a huge fire?” I asked, looking around the tall, thick trees forming the clearing’s perimeter.

Thea drew a witch’s circle with her magic. “This should contain it.”

“And if it doesn’t?”
