Page 73 of The Night Rising

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In ten seconds, Thea conjured ten bluish figures and I made ten more, all of them a mix of darkfire and dragon’s magic.

“This might take Paimon by surprise, and keep his demons occupied so I can deal with him, but I’m not sure it’s enough.” I lowered my hand and the soldiers evaporated into thin air.

Kaz frowned. “What is unique to you? What can only you do?”

There was nothing unique to me, about me, and there was nothing only I could do, not when compared to everyone else. But maybe, when compared to Paimon …

I gasped as an idea bloomed in my mind. “I know.”

“What is it?” Thea asked.

“I …” I smiled. “I’ll show you. Though, you might want to stand back, in case this goes wrong.”

Thea and Kaz took several steps back.

I turned my back to them and took my clothes off. They would still see my bare ass, but I was guessing that with Kaz being a shifter, he was used to nakedness. Wolf shifters should be, but I didn’t really like anyone other than Shane seeing me naked.

I shifted into my dark gray wolf and turned back to them. I let out a short howl and then closed my eyes. I focused on the magic inside of me. Both of them were still strong when I was in this form. All I had to do was call to them and use them as I did when I was in human form.

Like before, both magics flooded my veins in an exhilarating rush. I inhaled and molded them to my desire. The skin under my fur warmed, growing slightly orange.

“Raika,” Thea called out, probably seeing that I was heating up.

I took two steps back. This was still part of the plan.

I exhaled. Starting from my chest, my gray fur turned into flames, and in a few seconds, I was covered in flames.

“A fire wolf,” Kaz whispered, his eyes wide.

The power within me, around me, was incredible. I could feel the flames, but not their heat. My sight was now sharper, my hearing even better, and I felt like I could run across the country in one go and not get tired at all.

I ran around the clearing, glad that even though I was on fire, the ground didn’t catch it. I went back to center and tested that theory. I focused on one paw and imagined a bolt of magic there. When I pulled my paw back, the bolt was there. The fire started spreading, but I stepped over it and smothered it.

“Incredible,” Thea said.

“Can you breathe fire?” Kaz asked.

My eyes widened. I hadn’t thought of that. I turned away from them, aimed at a tree that was a little farther apart from the others, opened my mouth, and imagined myself spewing pure fire.

Nothing happened.

I looked at Kaz and shook my head.

Thea conjured one of her soldiers in front of me. “Attack him.”

I jumped over the figure. Fire caught on him instantly, burning him down in three seconds flat. The figure disappeared with a sizzling sound.

“We can’t know that’s what will happen with a supernatural, but that’s pretty good,” Kaz said. “This might work.”

Was it me or did he sound pleased? As if he was about to smile?

I was so damn happy. I jumped around the clearing, celebrating that I finally had something Paimon wouldn’t expect, and now I had a chance of actually killing him.

It happened fast. One second I was okay, the next my chest hurt and the heat became too much, even for me. The magic shook inside of me, unstable and uncontrollable.

I yelped and started retreating, but there was nowhere to go, and I wasn’t fast enough. The flames sparked wide. I was going to explode.

The last thing I saw was a dragon shifter, with his wings wide open, lunging at me.
