Page 77 of The Night Rising

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I frowned. Paimon had taunted everyone here and then he didn’t use his magic to stop us and take the underworld for himself? Was that how these big fights usually went? With the bad guy hiding and letting everyone else kill themselves first?

A chill ran down my spine. “Where’s King Tanner?”

“I don’t know,” Ariella said. “They have been quiet about that for days now. Word is that Tanner wanted to fight, but Jasmin and Erin took him to a safe location until this is over.”

“What if this takes days, weeks?” Kaz asked.

Ariella shrugged. “I don’t make decisions. I just come to help and do what I’m told.”

So Tanner was safe. Even if Paimon’s plan was to distract everyone here and go after Tanner, he wouldn’t be able to, unless—

A huge wave of darkfire rushed through the crowd. Most of us had time to duck, but the front line was hit full on and dozens of demon hunters dropped to the ground.

The demons stopped fighting.

Rotgar appeared behind them, as if standing on a stage. Maybe he was.

With a wicked smile, he scanned the crowd. “My dead heart is so content to see all of you here this evening.” His voice boomed through the air, amplified by magic.

“Cut the crap!” Ariella shouted, just as loud.

His eyes met hers. “Oh, the fallen angel. Have you recovered your wings yet, sweetheart?”

Ariella’s face grew red.

Drake advanced a few steps through the fallen crowd, with Thea, Hadrian, Rey, Erin, and several others flanking him. “Where’s Paimon?”

Rotgar turned his fake smile to the vampire lord. “Oh, I see you care. Don’t worry, he is fine.”

“Where is he?” Drake repeated. “Is he such a coward he won’t face us?”

“Paimon is busy right now, but I brought two of his brothers to play with you.” He gestured to the portal behind him and two forms stepped through.

A hush fell over the demon hunters.

I frowned. “Who are those?”

“Prince Maggoth and Prince Zeltov,” Ariella said. “Former princes of the underworld, just like Paimon.”

Shit. It seemed he had gotten some powerful allies.

The princes launched themselves into the crowd and the fight restarted.

Something tugged in the back of my mind. Rotgar said Paimon was busy. With what? Wasn’t this more important than anything else to him?


I went still.

There was something he had wanted for some time now, something new and shiny and that he had tried getting before.

Raika’s dragon magic.

Paimon wasn’t here. He wasn’t even coming.

While we were all here distracted, he acted.

Paimon was going after Raika.
