Page 18 of Dark Wings

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He walked away before I could finish my sentence. I stared as he went up the stairs and pointed to him. “Won’t he feel the pain again?”

Hazel walked up to me. “He must have gone farther. I think upstairs is okay. He might feel the pull tighten, but not hurt.”

If he hadn’t been a demon, if he was a nicer character, I would have felt empathy for him, for having this unwanted bond. But I didn’t. With his wish-granting powers, he must have taken advantage of a lot of people. This was some kind of punishment, and he deserved it.

“Thank you,” I told them. “For the first time in the last five years, I’m hopeful.”

Hazel offered me a small smile. “I’m glad to help. I’m just upset I messed up the spell.”

“It’s better this way,” Sean said. “Then he can’t hurt her.”

I nodded.

Khalisa approached us. “Find your wings, child, and don’t worry. While you’re gone, we’ll find a way to break the bond.”

“We’ll also research how you can recover your magic,” Hazel said.

My heartstrings tugged. “That would mean a lot. Thank you.”

After a quick goodbye, I walked out of the shop. Since it was past midnight, the French Quarter was quieter, but not completely asleep. A few bars and suspicious shops were open, and a dozen people walked down the street.

I glanced around, searching for Leviathan.

“Right here, sweetheart,” he said from behind me. He leaned on the shop’s wall, his arms crossed. Like a snake, he slithered to me.

I held my ground, not wanting to show him that despite knowing he couldn’t hurt me, he scared me. “Ready to go?”

He flashed that sinful half grin of his. “As much as I know you’re enjoying the view, I need some clothes, sweetheart. Then, we can go.”


“Sweetheart, can this old junker go any faster?”

Leviathan was a real player. His tone and the fake smile on his face, the way he turned his torso toward me in the passenger seat, it was all perfectly measured. But his words had a bite to them, revealing how much of a jerk he was.

We had been on the road for fifteen minutes in my old Civic, headed toward Houston, and I was already regretting this entire deal. If this demon continued this game, I would strangle him in no time.

He couldn’t hurt me, but I was sure I could hurt him.

“Just … sit back and relax,” I told him as I stepped on the gas. I wouldn’t go a lot over the speed limit for a freaking demon.

Since we had summoned him when he was alone at home, Leviathan didn’t have anything with him other than the ripped black slacks, so we ended up going back to Khalisa’s for the night. She didn’t have a room at her shop, but there were couches in the back room, and we rested there until morning. She also found a t-shirt and sweatpants for the demon, for which he didn’t even thank her. In the morning, we entered the first shop we saw, and Leviathan bought himself some slacks and a button-up shirt. At first, he had asked me to pay for them.

“Hell, no,” I told him once I saw the price tag. I didn’t have that kind of money.

Leviathan charmed the female sales associates and convinced them to let him just give them his credit card info for the payment.

Once we were outside, I asked why he didn’t wish for clothes or money.

“I can’t use my magic on myself, sweetheart. If I could, I wouldn’t be in this situation.” He winked at me, but I could see that under that flirting, he was still furious with me.

Well, we had over five hours until Houston, which he insisted we stop at. If it depended on me, we would go directly to San Francisco, but Leviathan was adamant about it. Plus, if we chose the southern route, Houston was practically on the way, sooo …

“Sit back and relax? It’s Thursday morning, sweetheart. I have business waiting for me.” He reached into the center console and grabbed my phone from its stand. “Speaking of which, I need to make some calls.”

“Hey! I need that!” My old Civic didn’t have a screen and I couldn’t hook up my phone on it for the GPS. I had to look directly at the phone, thus the stand.
