Page 21 of Dark Wings

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The demon licked his lips again. “Give me that angel, and I’ll tell you everything.”

Leviathan’s hands enveloped in darkfire—a demon’s dark magic. “I won’t ask again.”

A low chuckle came from the demon.

Leviathan drew back to punch him again, but the demon pulled up his legs and kicked Leviathan in the chest, sending him back a few steps.

Taking advantage of those precious seconds, the demon pulled hard on the chains tying him to the beam. The beam, which seemed like a sturdy piece of metal, groaned and bent under the effort, and the chains loosened.

The demon crawled up the broken beam, twisted his arms under himself, and got free.

He lunged at me.

I raised my fists and held my ground. I may not have my magic, but I wouldn’t run from a fight.

I punched the demon when he was close, but he didn’t budge.

“What the?—”

He was stronger than he had let on. When Leviathan hit him, he had not resisted. Now, he felt like a boulder under my aching hand.

Before I could finish my sentence, the demon closed his hands around my neck and drove me to the floor, slamming my back and head against the concrete.

My vision darkened and pain exploded through me.

I fought for consciousness and kicked the demon, but he was strong.

His mouth opened wide, his many sharp teeth around that nasty tongue.

I screamed, throwing all of my strength against him.

The demon flew back.

Dizzy, I sat up.

Had I done that?

Then I saw it. Leviathan had wrapped the demon in darkfire.

“Like I said, I tried being nice,” he said before forming a stake out of darkfire and driving it into the demon’s chest.

The demon let out a piercing shriek and I covered my ears. Then, he crumpled to the ground in a messy heap.

Leviathan staggered to the side. Blinked twice.

His goons ran toward him. “Boss?” one asked, reaching for him.

Leviathan raised his hand. “I’m fine.” He blinked again; his eyes found mine. “It’s your pain and dizziness I’m feeling. Are you fine?”

My mouth opened. Then closed.

Oh, wow, for a moment there, I had forgotten he could feel whatever I felt.

I nodded and pushed to my feet. Everything went dark, but I recovered. “I’m fine,” I said, seeing as Leviathan was almost to me.

He stopped abruptly.

As if nothing had happened, he turned to his goons. “Clean up and find me another. I’ll be back in a few days. A week at most.”
