Page 23 of Dark Wings

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Thankfully, the restroom in this gas station was large and clean. I did my business, then stopped by the front where I picked up a bottle of water, a cup of fresh coffee, and a small packet of Oreos. I paid for it in cash and exited the convenience store.

Leviathan had finished filling up the car and parked it in front of the entrance. I reached for the car’s door when a tingling sensation traveled through my back.

Oh, no.

I glanced around, my eyes wide. Where were they? How had they found me?

Shit, I skipped a dose of my potion, hadn’t I? That was plausible.

Leviathan lowered the window. “Don’t you want to get going, sweetheart? Get in the car.”

“Right.” I opened the door, intent on keeping it cool.

I didn’t get the chance.

Rays of light hit the ground at my feet, and I jumped. The drinks and the snacks fell from my arms as people screamed and ran … and angels walked into the gas station.

I froze in place, watching them.

White wings out, folded behind their backs, in golden and white uniform, and their Celestial Swords in hand.

A pang cut through my heart.

I recovered once they stopped.

Julien pointed his sword at me. “We’ve been looking for you.”

Leviathan exited the car. “What’s going on?”

“Mind your own business, demon,” Izrail said. There were three more, the same ones who had been in Houston, but I certainly hadn’t met the other two. They looked young, probably recently graduated from the academy, and with their heads filled with lies about me.

Leviathan rounded the car and stood a couple of feet to my side. “She’s my business.”

Julien snickered. “You really are associating with demons now.”

“Not now,” another angel said. “Since the attack.”

“Before that,” Izrail said. “It had to be before that.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said, a threat in my tone.

“We don’t?” Julien took a step forward. “Then come with us. Plead your case. Tell us what we don’t know.”

I could go with them. That was the right thing to do. I was innocent. By running, I was only making it worse. But if I went, I knew it was over. Rhodes would find a way to kill me. I couldn’t find out what was going on and clear my name.

I held my ground. “I can't.”

Julien snarled. “You’ve asked for it.”

They sent bolts of light magic toward me. I jumped out of range. Leviathan moved to the other side while throwing darkfire at the angels.

Part of me wanted to tell him to stop. To not hurt them. But what were we supposed to do? We had to get out of here!

I hid behind a gas pump, my heart beating a million miles per hour. I could see humans cowering behind the store’s windows, and around its corner. Some of them had their phones out and were recording this.

I didn’t understand. Angels were never this careless. We always avoided being seen, being found out.

That showed me how desperate they were to get me.
