Page 25 of Dark Wings

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“It’s none of your business.” I reached into my bag and grabbed the damn potion. Yup, I had forgotten the last dose and I was now paying for it.

I drank it, knowing it would instantly cut off my aura and the angels wouldn’t be able to find me.

For now.

“Angels were after you, sweetheart. They came after me. That is my business. What did you do? Steal something from them? A magical book? A powerful weapon?”

I glared at him. “Just shut it.” The sting in my arm increased and I bit my tongue not to cry out.

“You’re hurt,” Leviathan said, casting more glances my way. It wasn’t a question.

“I’m fine,” I said, my voice shaking. “It’ll heal.” It hurt like hell, and if he could feel that, then great.

He had fought alongside me just now, no questions asked. It was probably the bond and the fact that if they hurt me, he would hurt too, but that was okay.

At least both of us had escaped.

Now, if only I had something for the pain.

“Sweetheart, how bad is it?”

“Not bad, it just stings.” I settled low on the seat, resting my head back. The fight must have exhausted my stamina, because suddenly, all I wanted was to sleep. “I’ll close my eyes for a moment …”

I could have sworn I had blinked, but suddenly, Leviathan was on the other side of the car, picking me up in his arms.

“Shit, sweetheart,” he muttered. “This doesn’t look good.”

I opened my mouth to interject, but my tongue was heavy, and I couldn’t speak. My head swam and it hurt when Leviathan moved me, taking the steps to … somewhere.

I couldn’t keep my eyes open, but I got a peek of a shoddy staircase and a door with some random number. Then Leviathan deposited me on a soft mattress.

“Let me take a look, sweetheart.” He reached for me and stripped off my jacket. A string of curses flew from his lips. “I can feel the pain, Ariella, but this is much worse than I thought.”

“I …” I tried speaking. I didn’t even know what I would say.

Ignoring him, I turned on my side, and curled into a ball. My body shook, my arm throbbed, but I was too tired to do anything about it. All I wanted was to sleep.

“I need help,” Leviathan said. When I peeked again, he was on the phone. “Use one of your coins and open a portal. Now or she’ll die, and I’ll die with her!”

He lowered the phone, extended his right hand, and closed his eyes. A moment later, a shimmering black light formed around his fingertips. It grew and spread, forming a thin, oval veil.

A woman stepped through it.

The veil poofed away and the woman hovered over me. “What happened?” she asked.

I tried asking her who she was, what she was doing, tell her that I didn’t like strangers touching me, but no words came out. Only some grunts and groans, and then a scream when the pain suddenly stung too much.

“She was attacked by angels,” Leviathan said through gritted teeth. “I think the blade they use to cut her was poisoned.”

The woman stuck her finger on my wound and I screamed again. She then took her finger to her mouth and licked it. “It is poison, but I believe it was to make her lose consciousness, to immobilize, not to kill.”

“They wanted her alive, not dead,” Leviathan observed. The woman nodded. “Can you do something about it?”

She offered him a smug half-grin. Where had I seen that before. “You wouldn’t have called me if you thought I couldn’t.”

The woman pressed her hand on top of my wound, closed her eyes, and started humming. Dark red and black lights shone from between her palm and my skin. At first, the sting hurt more and I even heard Leviathan’s grunt as he endured the pain. I was too far gone to care.

But as she healed me, I felt more aware, more awake, and the pain stung like a bitch. Smoke drifted away from her hand to the ceiling.
