Page 74 of Dark Wings

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“Just … stop it, okay,” I whispered. “And behave, or I’ll tell them you’re not with me.”

His eyes darkened and his jaw ticked. I knew this was hard for him, but thankfully, he dipped his chin once, and that was enough.

For now.

We continued following the two demons down the path. It curved around a beautiful garden and opened to reveal a huge three-story stone mansion.

In silence, the demons guided us to the big front doors, through a large, opulent foyer with a giant stone staircase, and a wide archway and into a sitting room with several green velvet couches adorned with golden details, heavy green curtains over the long windows, and a golden fireplace that was taller than Levi, where a fire burned, but didn’t emit any heat.

“Duncan will be here shortly,” one of the demons said.

Both of them walked out, probably to return to the gates, and left Levi and me alone in that giant seating room.

Levi was in my face, his eyes dark and cruel. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

“I’m saving your life,” I barked back, trying not to raise my voice.

He scoffed. “Are you serious, sweetheart? Do you have that little confidence in me?”

“I think you were putting yourself unnecessarily at risk for something that doesn’t even matter to you.”

“You asked me to come with you. You practically ordered me, by summoning and creating a bond with me.”

“I did, I know, and I don’t regret it, but I hoped it would be easier to get in here. And thanks to the reward on my head, it was.”

“What did you do?”

“What I asked you to do. I called Duncan, introduced myself, and said I would like to see my wings one last time before the angels found me.”

“You did what?” his voice rose, along with his temper.

What I didn’t tell him was that first Lacey had called one of his demons back in Houston to find out Lars’s phone number. She then called Lars, told him she had the angel everyone was after, and she would only proceed if she spoke directly to Duncan. Reluctantly, he gave us his boss’s number and I spoke to him.

Duncan was interested in getting a peek at me, the fallen angel who was causing a mess in the supernatural world, before I was captured and killed by my own kind.

“I have to ask two things,” he had said. “One, aren’t you afraid I might take you for the reward? And two, what was it that you did that has the angels running around like cockroaches?”

I thought for a second and decided that I should be as honest as I could. “I’m not afraid you’ll hand me over for the reward, but that you’ll keep me there along with my wings.” I hoped he didn’t know I didn’t have my magic, otherwise he would certainly try. “As for what I did … I saw something I shouldn’t and they want to silence me.”

That seemed to spark his interest, and he promptly gave me his address and told me to come this evening. When Lacey was about to break the circle in the cabin, I thought I would have to steal Levi’s car and come to San Francisco by myself, even if it caused him pain.

Fate smiled my way, though, and Levi brought me here.

Now both of us stared at each other, ready for a fight.

“I knew I would be granted entrance that way,” I said.

“Entrance, sweetheart, but no way to get out.” He cursed under his breath. “This is a trap. He’ll keep you here.”

“Then, we fight our way out.”

He narrowed his eyes at me. “That’s exactly what I was trying to avoid.”

“A fight? But you came ready to attack!”

“Without you! So you wouldn’t get hurt!”

My heart squeezed; Levi was worried about me. That second ended and I remembered that if I got hurt, Levi could feel it, and that would make it harder to fight.
