Page 80 of Dark Wings

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I walked to them and brushed my fingers against the soft feathers.

A current jolted through me and the next thing I knew, light magic swirled around my wings like twinkling stars, lifting them from their pedestal. On instinct, I turned and took off my shirt.

The wings wrapped around me and I sighed in relief.

Then they stabbed through my back and I screamed in pain. I fell to my knees as the pain spread and the wings attached to me once more.

“Ariella!” Levi skidded to me and knelt right in front of me. He reached for me. “What can I do?”

“Don’t touch me,” I rasped. I never again wanted him to touch me, and he was ruining this moment for me.

Yes, it hurt almost as much as when I lost them, but this moment … I had lived for it for the last five years. It was all I wanted, all I dreamed about. I would endure this pain another one hundred times if it meant my wings were back and no one could take them from me again.

The pain lessened, but I knew it wouldn’t go anywhere for a while, not until I got used to them again.

With a deep breath, I stood and spread my wings—they stretched ten feet wide. It barely fit inside this room.

Oh, my beautiful wings!

Tears blurred my vision and I wrapped them around myself once more, like a long-waited hug.

Levi’s lips curled up in a small smile, the first one of this kind I had seen from him. “Beautiful.”

I glared at him. “I didn’t ask for your opinion.” I folded my wings behind me and picked up my shirt. With effort—I hadn’t done this in a while—I retracted my wings, until only two big, bloody gashes covered my shoulder blades. These too would heal with time, and the slashes would look like scars. I put on my shirt and turned away from Levi. “Getting out of here, remember?”

“Right,” he mumbled.

I searched the walls, like Levi had done, looking for a switch or a hidden passage, while the alarm continued blaring.

“My father must be at the security room by now,” Levi said. “The sick bastard must be watching us.”

I stopped. “The security room … like a control room.” An idea came to mind. “Like a control.” I knelt beside Duncan’s body and checked his pockets. I fished a small rectangular remote control from inside his suit jacket. “Bingo.”

I pressed a button and the alarm stopped. Jeez, that was so much better. Then I pressed another and the door rolled up.

“Well done, sweetheart,” Levi said as he approached the door.

“Don’t call me that.” I put the remote in my pocket, in case we needed it again, and stood beside him.

As I suspected, a dozen demons stood right behind the door, probably sent by Molraz in case we were able to escape.

Knowing I couldn’t fight them all, I threw the pouch Lacey had given me and it landed at their feet. White powder spread fast and the demons seemed drunk, wobbling on their feet.

I looked at Levi and gestured to the demons. “They are all yours.”

He showed me his trademark grin and launched himself at the demons. For a full minute, Levi had his fun with the demons, taking out half of them before the time was up.

When the powder’s effect was gone, one of them came at me. All right, I could handle one.

If I had my magic, though, I would kick all of their asses myself.

The demon rushed me. Remembering my training, I moved fluidly, spinning out of his swipes with grace. He lunged at me again, and I sidestepped him, entering one of the gallery rooms flanking the hallway. A bronze sword lay on a pedestal, just inside the opening.

I grabbed it, and when the demon came at me again, I swept it far, nearly tearing off one of his claws. He let out a roar that made the hairs on my neck rise. He went berserk. With his clunky movements, I ducked under his arm and pierced the sword deep into his chest.

The demon stilled, his eyes wide in surprise, and then he went down, sword and all.

Of course, by the time I was done with one, Levi had killed the others. And he had his phone to his ear. “Break in,” he ordered. “Break into the house and attack anyone who crosses your path.” He turned off and looked at me. “That should help us.”
