Page 27 of Lord of Retribution

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Maybe I was a better actress than I’d originally thought.

I wrapped one hand around his wrist, holding his arm in place. When I pulled my head away, I make certain he knew I wasn’t finished yet, dragging my tongue up one side of his finger then the other.

When I was finished, I licked my lips and took a purposeful step away, grinning as if I’d just won round one.

He curled his finger, his breathing still ragged. I was hopeful he would turn around and leave, realizing I wasn’t someone to be fucked with. Instead, his reaction pulled another yelp from the bowels of my being, snatching my wrist and yanking me onto my toes. When he tossed the glass of wine to the side, I was utterly shocked into silence. The moment he fisted the back of my hair, pulling me as close to him as possible, I did what I could to push him away, shoving my fist into his chest.

But there was no stopping this jerk. He grinned like the evil man he was before capturing my mouth, immediately thrusting his tongue inside. Everything about him was dominating, the bastard determined to make me terrified of him. As he consumed my mouth, allowing his strong tongue to explore every inch, I began to loathe myself and my decision even more.

Especially since I was wet and hot, my pussy throbbing, my nipples tight and aching. I had no doubt he knew how much he was getting to me since there was no denying the scent of my desire wafting between us. I wanted to hate what he was doing to me as much as I despised my body’s betrayal, but I was shocked at how amazing he tasted, how good it felt being in his strong arms.

The passion flared to the point that I could no longer think or breathe, my mind spinning. His hold on me tightened and I unfurled my fists, only to clench my fingers around the stiff linen of his crisp white shirt. I was pulled into a sweet vacuum, a moment where all time stood still.

When he finally pulled away, both our breathing was ragged, his breath cascading across my heated skin. He chuckled seconds later, issuing another husky growl like the beast he was.

After taking a step away, he allowed his gaze to fall once down to my painted toes then back to my face before wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. When he spoke, his voice was darker, the deep baritone shifting over me like a warm velvet blanket in front of a roaring fire.

“Make no mistake, my wife to be. You are mine. Every inch of your luscious body, every action you seek to take, and every breath that leaves your mouth. I will take and enjoy every moment of tasting, taking, and fucking you. Over. And. Over. Again. And if you fight me, you’ll become my captive, chained to my bed for my use. Am I clear, la mia donna bella ma disobbediente?”

Beautiful and disobedient woman.

He had no idea what I was made of, but I was about to show him, the horrible fuck of a man.

When I tossed my glass of wine in his face, the two other men gasped, which allowed me to smile. “And hear me, Mr. Thorn. I will never belong to anyone. Not now. Not ever. Get out.”

He dared walk closer and when I lifted my head, he wrapped his hand around my throat. “I would hate to destroy something so beautiful, so entirely precious, but I will if necessary. You need to understand something very clearly.”

“Go for it,” I hissed, refusing to give into the brutal man and his dominating tendencies. He didn’t deserve to see I was a nervous wreck.

“You will learn there are rules, ones you are required to follow without question or hesitation. Anything less and you will be punished.”

“Is that all?”

He squeezed my throat until my eyes watered. As he lowered his head, I could tell he was enjoying this. If I had a weapon, I could almost kill him. Almost. “No, that’s not all, my sweet bride to be. You are mine. Get ready, sweet princess, because I will take what I want and make no mistake, you belong to me. If any man ever dares to touch you again, they will die.”


Present day


She hated me.

She craved me.

I wanted to break her.

I couldn’t get all three thoughts out of my mind. The taste of Maria’s sweet pussy lingered on my tongue from the wedding night before. I couldn’t wait to take her once again. And I would as soon as I was finished with the morning business.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

I hit the thick red bag hanging from the ceiling several more times, dancing around in a circle as I did so. I’d taken up boxing almost a year before, even being lured into getting into a ring now and again for fun and the essence of competition. Now I simply wanted to control my level of testosterone, attempting to drive the savage thoughts from my system. I wasn’t certain why given it was obvious my lovely bride liked it rough.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

I did another two minutes until sweat beaded down both cheeks and the back of my neck. The rush of endorphins was almost as powerful a release as sex, although I was beginning to question that logic since getting an extended taste of Maria.

The bag continued to swing from my hard hits as I grabbed a towel before studying my knuckles. I only used gloves when lured into a competition, preferring the ache from the brutal hits. After wiping sweat from my face and tossing the towel around my neck, I grabbed the bottle of water I’d brought with me into the gym. I took a few seconds to chug down the entire contents, crushing and tossing the bottle. Today was an important day, the meeting with the Brotherhood something I couldn’t avoid, even though it interrupted the festive plans as initiated by my sister-in-law and sister.
