Page 27 of Rogue's Cross

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Junior ducks under the ropes and jumps to the floor before walking toward the showers. He returns about fifteen minutes later, his hair still wet.

“Those have gotta be the best showers I’ve ever used at a gym,” he comments.

“We spared no expense,” I explain. “If our members aren’t comfortable, they won’t be loyal.”

“Well, you’re well on your way to earning my loyalty.”

“Good to know.”

“See you around,” Junior says as he strides out the door.

Twenty minutes later, brothers and prospects fill the space. High-top tables are being placed around the large room, kegs and a pseudo bar are in place, and the catering company just arrived to set up the buffet.

“When was the last time we had a party like this?” Spike asks when he steps up next to me.

“Persuasion Ink’s grand opening,” I say.

“Damn, that was a good night. Free ink, booze, food, and brothers… doesn’t get much better.”

By nine o’clock, the party is in full swing. Alcohol is freely flowing, music is blaring from the speakers, and everyone seems to be having a good time. I scan the room and almost swallow my tongue when I spot the one person I was hoping like hell would actually show up tonight.

I weave my way through the crowd, my eyes never straying from Skye. The purple and black top she’s wearing hugs her curves and shows off a lot of her tattoos. I lower my gaze to travel the length of her legs, and my mouth goes dry.

Before I reach her, Waylon walks up to Skye and strikes up a conversation.

“Damn,” Malice comments when I stop next to him. “Is there anything worse than getting cock blocked?”

“I can think of a few things,” I reply dryly.

Although, at the moment, none of those things comes to mind.

“A few things for what?” Abyss asks as he joins us.

“Rogue was on his way to make a move on Skye,” Malice begins, nodding toward my employees. “But Waylon beat him to the punch. I was making fun of him for being cock blocked, and he says there are worse things than that.”

“I wasn’t on m?—”

“Oooh, look at that,” Malice says. “Your girl’s alone again.”

I whip my head in that direction, unable to stop the involuntary movement. My brothers all laugh at me, but I don’t care. Arguing with them will only feed into their crazy theories. Best to leave them to think what they want.

“And there he goes,” Abyss taunts when I begin to walk away.

I flip them off over my shoulder, and their chuckles barely register above the music. My eyes focus on Skye, and my heart rate kicks up a notch at the way she drops her chin when she catches me watching her.

“You’re not this shy,” I comment when I reach her.


I gesture to the room at large. “There’s a party going on, and you’re standing against the wall.”


“And you’re a bartender. You’re not this shy so why are you sticking to the sidelines?”

“Maybe I’m just tired.”

I lower my eyes, letting them travel the length of her body. “Yeah, you’re not tired.”
