Page 49 of Rogue's Cross

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“Sweetie, you have that ‘I’ve been thoroughly fucked’ look.” He smirks. “And that certainly wasn’t achieved with Bob.”

My cheeks burn. “I didn’t…we didn’t.”

“Yeah, there’s no way you stole anything. You’re a shit liar.” RaRa winks. “Don’t worry love, your secret is safe with me.”

I smack his chest. “You’re crazy.”

“Yep.” He grins and takes my hand in his. “You deserve some happiness.”

Tears well up in my eyes. “How?”

The question lingers between us, but RaRa knows exactly what I’m asking.

How do you know?

“Anyone with a heart can see you hold yourself back from forming real relationships. You keep us all at arm’s length. Rogue is perfect for you.” RaRa smiles. “Took you both long enough, though. I’ve been waiting for you two to rip off the Band-Aid and do the horizontal shuffle for two long freaking years.”

Wrapping my arms around his waist, I squeeze him tight. “Thank you,” I whisper.

“You’re my girl.” He pulls away and wipes his eyes. “Don’t ruin my make-up. It takes a long time to look this good.”

“One of these days, you’re gonna give me some tips.”

“Trade secrets, girl. Trade secrets.” He spins me around and swats my ass. “Now, get that ass back out there. Tony has been bitching ever since you left. No one keeps up as well as you. Not even Waylon.”

Waving over my shoulder, I hurry back to the bar where Tony is stocking clean mugs. “Sorry, Tony. I ran into RaRa.”

“Say no more.” He laughs. “That man has been a mess since you disappeared.”

“Oh, really?” I jest. “According to him, you’re the one who’s been a mess.”

“Fucker,” he mumbles, and I snicker.

Instead of goading him more, I pick up a crate of beer bottles and start stocking the cooler. We work quickly and before we know it, Waylon is unlocking the door. We’re steady at first, but the closer we get to rush hour, the more the bar fills up.

“What can I get you?” I ask one of our regulars.

“Two shots of Jack and a beer, pretty lady.”

I wink at him. “You got it.” I turn to grab the whiskey and almost plow right into Waylon, who’s standing behind me. “Waylon, what the hell?”

“Everything okay up here?”

“We’re good. It’s not too bad yet.”

I move around him to fill the order, and then I hand the full mug to the customer and take his money. I sidestep to the register and get his change. Before I can ask Waylon if he needs anything, another patron steps up to the bar and asks for a drink.

Waylon continues to hover, watching every exchange I make. The more he watches, the more my confidence slips.

The next customer orders four beers, but I shut the drawer before getting his change. Using the calculator Rogue has by the register, I figure out how much I owe him before I open the drawer.

“Dammit, Skye. You owe him six-fifty.”

“I know.”

“Why the hell do you need the calculator?”

I whip around to face him, keeping my voice low. “I was accused of stealing two days ago… Excuse me for wanting to be cautious. Why don’t you go back to your office? You’re making me nervous.”
