Page 57 of Rogue's Cross

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“What’s going on?” I ask as I step up next to Prez.

“They’ve lost their damn minds,” Malice barks.

Apple grins, but there’s a devilish quality to the curve of her lips, and she moves forward to stab a finger in her husband’s chest. “The only thing I’m losing is my appetite for your cock.”

“What the hell did I do?” Malice counters.

“Call church, Soul,” Jez says calmly. “Trust me, I’ve got information you’re all gonna want.”

Soul glances at Malice and then me, and we both shrug.

“Fine.” Soul heaves a sigh and shifts his glare to Cece. “We’ll be talking about this later.”

Cece smiles sweetly. “Figured as much.”

Fifteen minutes later, the room where we hold church is full. Grim and Thorn are still covered in blood from the purge, but that doesn’t seem to faze the women. It doesn’t even appear to bother Skye. Each ol’ lady stands behind her man’s chair, Jez stands next to Cece, and Skye is behind me. I could pretend that I don’t care, but I do.

She’s choosing me.

“Before you start, I’ve got something to say,” Soul states. The ladies all nod and look at him expectantly. “If you ever pull a stunt like this again, there will be consequences. I don’t appreciate being told what to do with my own club. Furthermore, don’t think for a second that you being in church now changes any of the rules. This is an exception, one I’m not even a little happy about.”

“You’ll change your mind,” Jez says, her tone full of confidence. “As soon as you see what I’ve found, us being here will be the last thing on your mind.”

“We’ll see about that.”

“Yeah, we will,” Jez snaps. She bends to retrieve her laptop from her bag and then sets it on the table. “I took it upon myself to dig into Purgatory’s finances. Noth?—”

“Nobody asked you to do that,” Soul snarls.

“Since when is that something that would stop me?” Jez counters. “You’re my twin, dude. Tell me, would you sit back and wait for instructions when you know damn well that you can help?”

Soul rolls his eyes. “You know I wouldn’t.”

“Exactly. So, how about you shut the fuck up and let me continue?”

Soul jumps to his feet and whirls on his sister. “Don’t you dare talk to me like that.”

Jez arches a brow, but she doesn’t back down or show any indication that she’s afraid.

“You about done throwing your temper tantrum?” she asks. “Because I’ve got shit to say, and you’re gonna listen.”

“Prez, just let her speak,” Malice suggests. “Clearly, she’s gonna do what she wants regardless of how angry it makes you.”

“Fine,” Soul capitulates. “But make it quick. My patience is about gone.”

Jez shifts her gaze from her brother to each of us, one by one taking us in. “As I was saying, I dug into the bar’s finances, as well as the club’s. I also hacked into Skye’s bank accounts.”


“Because something is going on.” She shrugs. “And it didn’t seem like you all were doing shit about it.”

“Can we just get on with it?” I snap, getting frustrated at the lack of information.

“Yes, Rogue, we can,” Cece says. “Jez was able to determine that someone is setting Skye up to take the fall for stealing from Purgatory.”

“What?!” I shout. “Who?”

“We don’t know yet.” Jez mirrors her laptop screen on the large monitor so we can all see what she’s looking at. “As you can see, there are deposits into her bank accounts that exactly match the amounts of missing money. But Skye didn’t make those deposits, and I can prove it.”
