Page 34 of The Pain We Nurture

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Silently, Olivia focused.

She considered multiple facets about her life. Thinking about her student loans, finishing paying off her sister’s house, and the various medical bills and quickly came to an amount she thought might be suitable. She didn’t want to play her hand too soon.

“I guess that would depend on what you can afford?” she asked plainly, turning her eyes to his.

Colin gave her another one of his slow smiles, except this one seemed much more self-satisfactory. As if he had a precious secret, she wasn’t privy to yet.

“Just give me a number, Olivia,” Colin said, leaning back further in his seat and taking another drink.

“Two hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars. All cash, and all up front. Then the blueprints will be yours,” she said suddenly. “If you’re serious?”

Colin arched his eyebrow, a slightly surprised and impressed look flashed across his features as studied her for a minute, before nodding thoughtfully. He made a low humming noise, his thumb rubbing the knuckles of his hand which was draped across the back of the loveseat.

Olivia felt herself give him a small satisfactory smile of her own. Feeling like she was having an out of body experience.

See? Can’t afford it. Not able to help herself, she smiled wider, relishing the feeling of besting him. Then her smile disappeared as soon as it came with the next words, he exhaled heavily before speaking.

“I thought you were going to lowball yourself, so I created a third catch. This one more mutually beneficial. I’ve been working on this for two solid weeks while I waited for you,” Colin said darkly, running his fingers across his slight beard softly.

His eyes flitted to her mouth, and she swallowed hard, noticing he was remembering the brutally intimate kiss from two weeks ago. She touched her fingers to her own lips before accepting the folder he’d presented to her. She fought desperately to ignore the butterflies tightening her stomach.

Carefully opening the folder with her left hand, she scrunched her face up in annoyance, seeing a rather official document. Multiple money figures. Bullet points. The document was a few pages long and looked incredibly complex. She didn’t have time for this. Not bothering to flip through it she quickly checked her phone to see how long she had until her shift.

“What’s this?” Olivia asked irritably, her eyes set back on his. He stared at her as she hoisted the document slightly between them.

“Read it please,” he responded, just as shortly.

“My shift at the diner starts in two hours, so I apologize but I truly don’t have time for this, Colin. I need to leave soon, or I’ll be late. I can’t afford the luxury of taking an extended break out of my day for random nonsense,” irritated, her voice rang out in the spacial expanse of his office.

The damn man smiled at her, his white teeth flashing before taking his phone out of his pocket and speed dialing a number. A few seconds later he spoke, his eyes tight on hers.

“Ms. Belinda I am truly sorry to call on such short notice, but I am going to need you to close the diner down for the rest of the day, somethings come up. Yes. Yes, with pay for all the employees affected today. The food will of course be reimbursed. Yes. Thank you, Belinda,” he kept Olivia’s eyes with his own while he finished the call and hung up.

A minute later she was still staring stupidly at him as her phone chirped, Belinda texting her to not bother coming in for her shift and she would still be paid regardless. Her mouth fell open.

“Sit. Down,” Colin ordered, his voice stern and rough.

Olivia had risen off the seat, slowly shaking her head as the last forty minutes of being in his office hit her all at once. She plopped back down, hearing her purse hitting the floor with a thud. She ripped open the folder, tearing it slightly, she was so angry.

Smiling, Colin got up and freshened their drinks. Pouring her a little more as he knew the fury was really about to come. He quietly thanked God for a private soundproofed office.

Colin closed his eyes and inhaled with pleasure at her indignant gasp. It didn’t take long for a verbal reaction.

“You-y-you…you…” she whispered, her eyes wide as scanning the document, stopping only to flip the page to continue reading. She gasped before jumping off the couch, with an irate expression.

"Have you lost your motherfucking cojones, Colin?" she yelled at him, her whole body tense as she waved the contract dramatically with her left hand. Her eyes were wild, pinning him with her stare. Colin bit back the sharp flash of desire at her temper.

"Wrong word sweety. Cojone's means balls, and mine are perfect if I say so myself. I think the word you want is mente."

"Yeah okay then, that. THAT! Have you fucking lost it?" she hissed at him, her lips tight. "I'm a p-person, Colin!" Olivia stammered.

"Obviously. Sit your ass down and read the contract."

"NO!" she shouted, "You can't tell me what to do, what are you playing at? Tell me right this fucking instant!" Olivia lost it as her speech became shrill, and rapid.

Colin moved, striding to her purposefully. Olivia's eyes widened and she stumbled back a step, falling back down onto the couch, her dress rode up her legs.

Colin didn't slow, coming up to her then lowering himself onto her, his knees sank into the couch cushions as he straddled her legs. He lowered himself heavily, subduing her.
