Page 46 of The Pain We Nurture

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He found himself really hoping she could.

Colin took her to a little spot in the wall, near a door that had a set of stairs that led to the first floor, and pushed a button, showing her a hidden elevator. Her eyes lit up interestingly.

“It goes all the way to the second floor. In,” he said, ushering her in and closing the door quickly. She stood next to him with her glass still in her hand, cradling it against her breast as she stared straight ahead, trying to get her bearings.

He had another silent moment of appreciation of her. He knew it was one thing to design a house like this from imagination, but another thing entirely to be in one. Every inch of the home exuded money, and he could tell that it made her slightly uncomfortable. However, she kept her thoughts to herself, understandably.

Exiting the elevator on the top floor, she stepped out before him, looking left and right down a long, wide, and beautifully decorated hallway. He'd lined the walls with beautiful old art that cost a small fortune, with chunky elaborate frames, and thin tables that looked tailormade to fit the curve of the hallway. The tables held small lamps and more flowers.

The expansive hallway was lit warmly against muted recessed lighting, making cream colors up here seem even more rich looking than downstairs. She paused at the massive floor to ceiling windows, taking in the view of the backyard.

She raised her eyebrow, seeing a guesthouse beyond the pool.

“Hey, where’s the cleaner I saw a little bit ago? I haven’t seen her since we got here,” Olivia asked, suddenly realizing Beth was nowhere to be found.

“Oh, that’s Beth. She comes five days a week to do laundry, clean the rooms, and dust. She also takes care of the guest house and puts together the flower arrangements that Mary orders for the house. That sort of thing. Mary manages her. She won’t talk to me; I never see her. Mary said she’s slightly terrified of me...which is fine. You’ll probably never see her either,” Colin said absentmindedly, his eyes flicking over the expansive property through the windows closely.

“You don’t have any pictures of your family?” she asked suddenly, turning a curious eye on him.

She’d been looking at the walls, only seeing beautiful tastefully large paintings, but no canvases of any family members or pictures anywhere. He knew it was strange, how it must look, and how lonely it came across. He felt the familiar tightening in his chest, that cloud of anxiety looming closer.

“I have no family,” Colin replied, leaving it at that. Thankful that Olivia wasn’t pushing her luck by asking questions either.

She snuck a curious look at him before he placed his hand once more on her lower back and began to show her to the right of the elevator where there was a small powder room. Past that was a small foyer entrance that hosted beautifully carved double doors set into an alcove that was lit by a stunning chandelier. Books filled the inlay of the foyer wall flanking the door.

It was spectacular, because he designed it that way.

The fight with the third interior designer was well worth making his bedroom look like a retreat. He smiled, remembering how he fired the second interior designer within the first half hour of meeting her because she told him he was stupid for wanting a bedroom in his guest house with no windows.

“My intimate master bedroom,” Colin explained simply. His eyes roamed her face as he paused before her and then opened the doors to the biggest bedroom she’d ever seen.

Cautiously, Olivia peeked her head in. Her eyes flickered around the space curiously, seeing a gas fireplace and a plush lounge area with gold fabric that offset the green of the room perfectly. A large flatscreen hung above the fireplace, and a California king sized bed was on a platform that dominated the far side of the room. It was a formidable bed, nothing like her flimsy bed that he saw in her bedroom. He meant what he’d said two weeks ago, he’d break the hell out of that fucker and hurt them both if he attempted to screw her on it.

No, he needed room, and stability to work her over the way he planned.

The giant bed sat next to a wall of floor to ceiling windows, these overlooking the pool and the grounds below the house as well.

He'd painted the walls and ceiling a beautiful dark green, and accented with the same buttery cream color trim. A small drinks cabinet was by the window, next to a tall and obviously expensive, intricately curved floor to ceiling length mirror which faced the bed.

Colin frowned slightly, not liking Olivia hadn’t stepped into the bedroom.

“It’s very nice, I like it. The paint color is pretty, and unexpected. Did you choose it yourself?” Olivia smiled at him, turning to peek at him, taking another sip of wine before she backed further into the foyer, not even having gone through the threshold.

Colin furrowed his brows at her before reaching out and giving her a not so gentle nudge deeper into the room.

“Hey!” Olivia snapped, spinning to face him, trying not to spill her wine or drop her shoe box. “I just wanted to keep going so I can see where I’m sleeping. I’d like a shower, and to figure out what I’m going to wear to bed,” her gaze flicked over his form slowly, lighting up. He had stretched his hands above his head and grasped the door frame above him, giving her a delicious muscular view of him on display.

His chest swelled proudly.

Colin knew she couldn’t know how hard she was stroking his ego at this exact moment. He worked hard to keep his body in pristine shape, and he wanted her to enjoy it just like he enjoyed hers.

“This is where you’re sleeping,” Colin said with a little laugh, licking his lips. “Hmmm…. Did you forget that detail in our contract? Do we need to go back downstairs and read it again? It could be a great bedtime story. Maybe I could read it to you,” he cocked his head again, perusing her face once more.

I could lay you out over the couch, make you read it to me slowly, instead. I’d spread your legs and eat you out until you can’t talk anymore, then punish you for not being able to read the contract by biting and tugging your clit. I wonder how sweet you taste, or if you taste deeper, like the earth? I wonder how many of my fingers you can stand to take inside you? How do you sound when your limits are pushed. How red can I make that body get. Would you be scared if I used a whip on your back? Does being scared turn you on? Colin felt like he had a hundred thoughts suddenly slam into his brain.

Olivia suddenly recoiled her head gently as she turned away from his stare. He couldn’t blame her, he probably looked like he wanted to eat her. Because he did, thoroughly. All night.And then when she couldn’t take anymore he’d tie her up, strap her down so she couldn't move and make her take it anyway.

Olivia’s eyebrows rose slightly again as she backed deeper into the room.
