Page 51 of The Pain We Nurture

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She slowly rotated herself so her back was to him, and began to raise up. Fully aware that his eyes were on the fleshy globes of her backside.

Olivia pulled up on her left arm until she gained her footing and commenced to rinsing her hair and body clean of the conditioner and suds. Her thick hair brushed her ass lightly as she swished the conditioner out. She stubbornly stayed under the spray much longer than was necessary, but she didn’t know how to get out of the tub without facing him and exposing the entirety of her body to him.

She was stuck in a conundrum with no feasible way out.

Hearing Colin's footsteps tap on the marble bathroom floor she inwardly groaned as the water suddenly stopped and a towel came around her from behind. Cocooning her in its warmth, almost like it was straight from the dryer. Strong arms followed, lifting her up and out, protecting her modesty. He carried her with one hand banded under her knees and another underneath her back. His body felt hard against her soft wet skin.

A hilarious giggle broke from her mouth at the thought. Modesty?

She wouldn't have any left once the man finishes his mission to turn her completely inside out, courtesy of their contract. She looked into his dark chocolate eyes and sobered instantly, her flesh pebbling under his stare. Desire was plain as day on his face.

"You feel so good against me. So warm and soft," Colin's face was tight with emotion, a vicious, hungry look was present in his eyes.

Olivia lowered her gaze shyly, not sure what to say in response. Thank you didn't seem to be appropriate, considering all the events that went down that day.

Colin placed her on the vanity gently. He leaned forward and placed his lips against the top of her head, and she could hear him inhaling, his minty breath brushing against her ear as he exhaled. After a few seconds, he gently pulled her wet hair to tumble over her left shoulder, baring the right side of her neck and arm.

The music continued to pulse around them, cocooning them in a sultry beat.

Still silent, he reached next to her to grab a small, expensive looking ointment bottle. Scooping up a generous amount, he rubbed it into his big hands before massaging his oiled hands into her shoulder and the surrounding muscles. Her brow furrowed as he gently raised her right arm to access the muscles underneath and by her ribcage.

She closed her eyes and moaned gently as he hit sore spots in her muscle from where her body was trying to overcompensate for the injury. He suddenly hit the truly painful spot, and a whimper left her lips as she tugged her arm away. She shot him an embarrassed, pained stare. Her eyes were shining with tears.

The music crooned through the speaker, adding to the romantic ambiance between them. Vulnerable, she broke their eye contact, looking to the side. To top it off, a hot throbbing between her legs started as she remembered the orgasm he gave her as he pressed slightly into her sore spot earlier in his office.

Colin stopped her massage before turning her back to look at him with a finger under her chin. She clutched the towel tighter to her chest, her eyes lowered to his waist. Not able to meet his intense gaze.

“Look at me,” he said, her eyes fluttered up from his waist, and onto his. Olivia quickly got lost in the dark chocolate depths. He stared openly into her face, holding her gaze hotly. “You don’t have to do that ever again. Do we understand each other? I didn’t even want you to spend the money you earned from it. That's why I tore it all up. Not because I don't respect and even admire that you worked for it. But to show you that you are done with that life.”

Olivia regarded him quietly with sad eyes.

Nodding, she looked away again as he resumed massaging the ointment into her muscles until the ointment in the jar was gone and she was completely relaxed. Almost sagging into him once he was done. The ointment heated her skin, deliciously tingling, and making her feel oddly safe.

Colin blow dried her hair as he sipped his drink while she pouted at him, and finished the last of her wine. He’d graduated to whiskey. When he was done, he put a finger under her chin again, tilting her head up and lowered his lips to hers, stopping just shy of grazing her lips with his.

“Who do you belong to?” he whispered, holding her stare with his as he just stood there patiently waiting for her.

Olivia felt a tremble begin deep inside of her, her eyes widened slightly, and her breath hitched again. Sudden memories of him holding her up against her apartment door assaulted her, and she blushed deeply, her skin prickling. She wondered if he thought about the night incessantly the way she did.

“Say it,” he said, his fingers tightening slightly.

“You. Sir. I belong to you,” she crooned softly, knowing what he wanted. Her tongue sneaked out to lick her bottom lip, inadvertently grazing his in the process. She briefly wondered if that was what she truly wanted as well. To belong to someone, to belong to him?

What would it be like to truly belong to such a charismatic, stimulating man such as the one in front of her?

Old desires resurfaced, stealing her breath just as much as he was.

“Good girl,” Colin said lightly against her mouth, the words rolling off his tongue in a seductive purr.

He gave her that devastatingly handsome smile that made her weak. The endearment resonated in her brain as he leaned down, licking into her mouth. Giving her a taste of what he wanted to do between her legs. He spent a couple of leisurely minutes sucking her lips, giving her gentle bites and nips before groaning and deepening the kiss once more.

He put his all into her, sweeping his tongue over hers and sucking hers into his mouth as well. Swallowing her little moans and whimpers. He didn’t let it last long, however. Not like the night two weeks ago when he had her against her apartment door.

Olivia’s tongue tangled shyly with his as he suddenly picked her up again. Towel and all, and carried her into the dimly lit bedroom and laid her on the turned-down bed, breaking their kiss. He pulled the crisp covers up over her and pressed the remote to the television in her hand. Telling her to watch something while he showered.

He’d put her sweats at the end of the bed in case she wanted them. He disappeared into the bathroom, only cracking the door.

Shooting up from the pillows, she looked around seeing the gas fireplace going and one window slightly cracked. Her dewy skin pricked as she felt the coolness of the deliciously crisp fall breeze blow gently into the room. She pulled on her sweatpants and tank top before covering herself back up and looking around for her phone to set her alarm for the morning.
