Page 56 of The Pain We Nurture

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Man, the rich live fine, Olivia thought. Then she was stuck dumb again by the realization that her sister was now a millionaire, thanks to Colin.

She chanced a small peek at him out the side of her eye. Colin was studiously driving, seemingly lost in thought, as he navigated the car confidently. He’d slipped on a pair of sunglasses that set off his skin tone handsomely. The windows were down, and the eastern breeze ruffled her hair comfortingly as she picked up her phone to shoot her sister a message asking her if Allison was feeling better.

“Are you on the pill?” he asked suddenly.

She paused, remembering the text from her sister. “Nooo…” she stated slowly, her eyes turning to his.

Did he read my shit? she thought, a small frown gracing her face.

“I need you to set a doctor’s appointment. Call them real quick and see if they can squeeze you in,” Colin murmured, resting his elbow on the window, and checking carefully before merging onto the highway.

She watched him for a minute, the slight dark hair and his tattoos on his arms doing something to her brain, making her blank out momentarily. Once he merged, he put his hand on her leg, curling it under, thumb stroking the top of her knee.

Olivia picked up that he seemed to like that spot on her body, and she realized she really enjoyed his hand there, too. It felt comforting and intimate.

She pursed her lips and called her doctor obediently, asking if the nurse could see her quickly for a quick appointment for birth control. The woman said yes, but she’d have to come in within the hour. Thankfully, because she’d always stayed up to date on appointments and pap smears, she didn’t have to be a new client anywhere and deal with their wait.

She set her phone navigation and listened as the car did a fancy beeping, moving the music to the background and giving step-by-step instructions. Her phone went black, but the GPS kept playing. She frowned, tapping the screen, giving it a little shake as if that’d help.

“It’s my software,” Colin explained. “When I synced your phone to the car, I installed the software that would disable your phone to keep from using it if the software notices you are texting, or using apps on the phone that would distract you. It also pings the nearest police station if your car is driving erratically. Such as if you’re swerving or driving dangerously, and the software gives them your car information and location.”

She gaped at him as the GPS chirped in the background, decidedly non-distractible.

“That’s…helpful,” she mused, thinking about her parents, wishing this technology was around back then in order to save them from the drunk driver who hit and killed them when she was in middle school.

Too little too late to save them, she thought sadly to herself as they sped off down the highway. She smiled thankfully as he reached into the console and got her out a pair of her own sunglasses.

Olivia placed her hand softly on his, twining her fingers in between his as they drove, and she felt her heart flutter as his thumb captured hers, pressing firmly.


The rest of the day went by eventfully. She received a prescription for three months of birth control, and he took her shopping at her favorite store. They only fought twice; once when she tried to buy her own clothing and realized just how much money he’d deposited in her account. And another time when he took her to some incredibly fancy boutique to get a few dresses for some upcoming charity events and galas that he wanted her to attend with him.

Olivia relinquished to not paying for her clothing. But when he pulled her into a Nordstrom Rack and another expensive boutique, she saw a dress he was trying to get her to try on that was worth over four grand. She dug her heels in obstinately.

“I don’t need a pretty woman moment, Colin! Literally!” she muttered angrily at him, shaking a thick lock of her red hair in his face and storming off, cursing him out under her breath.

“Fucking what am I, Julia Roberts?” she hissed.

And then she’d learned a valuable lesson that day about disrespecting him in public while she was with him. He grabbed her elbow and quietly walked her to the intimate dressing room with his other hand at her lower back and dismissed their shopper.

“Colin,” she hissed as he closed the door behind them, backing her knees into a plush seat in the middle of the room. “What are you doing? That was rude!” she bit at him, feeling her face flame, embarrassed.

Giving her a hard look, Colin walked past her to sit on the bench. He reached forward, taking her left arm and maneuvering her easily to drape over his knees.

“You will not storm away from me while we’re out. You will listen to what I say. If I want to buy you a four-thousand-dollar dress and make you wear it once just to take it off and burn it, that’s my prerogative. Understand? These are not your rules anymore, and when you signed that agreement, you relented to obeying me.”

She wiggled as she felt his big hand press down on her shoulder blades, stilling her.

‘Colin, not here. Please, not here. This is embarrassing,” she whimpered, feeling her sex slicken with his words. But she was angry with him that he dismissed the shopper and embarrassed her.

“How do you think I felt when you cussed at me then stormed off in front of our shopper? I pay good money for you to enjoy, and now I’m afraid I’m going to spank you harder because you have robbed me of being able to absolutely relish spoiling you to my fullest extent today. Hold still, pretty girl. This might hurt,” Colin's voice came out sternly, and she knew better than to try to continue to fight with him over this.

Her heart pounded, her head falling as she went limp over his lap.

Colin slowly lowered her sweats down her bottom and spanked her so hard he left red handprints on her ass. He gave her twenty slaps to her bottom. The hard punishment made her more wet than she already was, and he wouldn’t do anything about it. Because he wasn’t touching her like that until after her surgery.

Olivia sniffed as he helped her off his lap and leaned against the doorway, with his arms and legs crossed, quietly watching her pull herself together.
