Page 80 of The Pain We Nurture

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“She really likes you too, Johnathan. Nessie's been alone since her husband walked out on her four years ago,” Olivia said, a sad look coming over her eyes. “It’s just been us for so long that I don’t think either of us had much hope that anything was going to change. Everything just seemed so hopeless, and no one wanted to be with someone with a sick kid…and a busy schedule. And chaotic sister,” she dramatically whispered the last part, looking away. She clenched her jaw.

Johnathan looked at her sharply.

“Don’t do that, Behan! It’s bad for your teeth, you’re going to tear small holes in them and then Colin will never shut up about it. He’ll make you rip them all out and put veneers in. You’ll look like those freaks on Instagram,” Johnathan said seriously. His dark brows furrowed over his eyes as he attempted to lecture her.

They stared at each other before erupting in laughter as the song ended. Tears streamed down her face as she fell apart, giggling. Johnathan, as intimidating as he looked, was the perfect mix of humorous and dangerous.

“Johnathan, did you just curse me out? What’s ‘behan’ mean?” Olivia asked, giggling as she wiped a small tear out of her eye. He turned to watch Vanessa and Colin, who were making their way to them. Johnathan tore his eyes away from Vanessa to look back at her.

“It means sister,” he replied, before turning back and meeting Vanessa and Colin halfway. Leaving her standing there, stunned. A warm feeling rushed through her as the man swooped Vanessa up and turned her a few times, causing Vanessa to yell out excitedly.

Colin finally got to her before swooping down to land a juicy kiss on her mouth. Her hands sunk in his hair as he tilted her backwards, deepening the kiss to rather lewd cat calls from nearby people.

He pulled away and assessed her hungrily. She smiled and jerked her head at the couple next to them, lost talking as they began walking back to their table.

“Ohhh they are so knocking boots tonight,” Olivia yelled to him over the rock music that blared over the speakers.

And then it was her turn to share in laughter with Colin, who put his arm around her and began to lead her to their table. They slid across from Johnathan and Vanessa, who were both tearing into the food that the server put in front of them. Everything was backed up as the employees took the time to enjoy the evening, too.

Colin didn’t even mind the lack of professionalism. He really enjoyed singing with Vanessa. The woman’s voice was killer, and he wanted to get her into a studio to record a demo. She was that good.

He took their plates from the server and handed Olivia’s to her, who was busy staring in alarm at the couple across the table. Apparently, they both shared a love of food, a very violent love.

Jesus, his eyebrows raised as Vanessa stuffed a rather large bite into her mouth, making her cheeks stuff out.

“That’s a good sign that she can do that, Johnathan,” Olivia pointed at Vanessa's full mouth rather suggestively. Colin gave Olivia a shocked look, a bark of laughter rumbling from him at what she just suggested. Olivia cut a piece of boneless chicken in half and put it in her mouth, shrugging her shoulder unashamedly.

“So damn beautiful,” Johnathan complemented rather reverently as he leaned forward to Vanessa and kissed one puffed up cheek, before turning and putting another bite of his vegetarian meal in his mouth. They’d had to deal with the “halal” speech, along with a threat to sue if he got sick from any pork contamination. They’d all followed suit and ordered everything non pork.

“So, Johnathan, where are you from?” Olivia said conversationally.

They’d not had too much time to talk, and she wanted to get to know the man better since he was obviously enamored with her sister. Olivia's eyes flickered between them in amusement. They were currently looking at each other like they could race down a church altar to say vows. She let out a giggle at the thought. Because they just met each other, and who would be that stupid?

Not her sister. She’d made her ex-husband wait almost three years before they married.

They ate for a while. When a boy came to the stage singing horribly, Olivia stood up in the booth and clapped for him, Colin wrapped his arm around her to steady her. He could tell when she was dancing with Johnathan that her arm still bothered her, and he wasn’t taking any chances that she’d fall.

“It’s my turn,” Vanessa said, putting her phone down. Olivia glanced down as her phone lit up. She picked it up, swiping it unlocked. Vanessa texted me back.

Make sure Johnathan’s ok. I need to get this song out, and I don’t know how he’s going to handle it. -Nessie.

Olivia frowned, not knowing what she was talking about. She glanced up at Vanessa and nodded. Colin looked at her for an explanation, and she lifted her shoulder and reached for her water. She sipped slowly as Vanessa took the stage and took a seat on a stool in front of the microphone.

Olivia’s breath froze in her lungs as the music started, and she stiffened as chills saturated her body. She stared at her sister wide eyed as she began to softly sing I’ll Never Love Again from Lady Gaga.

Olivia started shaking, suddenly understanding why her sister wanted this to be the last song. The emotion she had to expel to get this song out was probably going to ruin them all. She wasn't ready. She didn't think any of them were.

Her watery eyes slid to Johnathan, and she realized the man looked absolutely petrified.

Johnathan stared at the stage rather blankly, but his hand was trembling on the table. She reached forward and softly placed her hand on his as she felt the tears fall out of her eyes, dripping onto her dress. His hand unclenched before wrapping around her tightly. They trembled there together. Colin placed his lips against her temple and leaned her against him. Wanting her support too.

This bitch. The man committed suicide at the end of the movie, she sobbed quietly, pressing her free hand against her mouth. Not able to help drawing parallel’s between her situation and the movie. She became nauseated, thinking something might happen to Colin.

She let go of Johnathan’s hand momentarily as she looked over at Colin and leaned forward, pressing her lips hard to his, surprising him.

She moaned as he sank his hand into her hair, holding her still so he could take control.

They pulled away as a woman loudly wailed in the back of the bar, and there was a sudden commotion as a couple of people went to assist. She had collapsed crying and was yelling “Oh my Goodd!” repeatedly. Yet Vanessa still kept singing, lost in the song. Probably couldn’t even tell she was making people absolutely sick in the audience. The woman’s friends escorted her to the bathroom, as she was inconsolable.
