Page 86 of The Pain We Nurture

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He opened it slowly and became stone still before his eyes flickered to her. The warmth of his chocolate irises bored into her soul, melting her defenses and stealing her breath.

“It’s the exact color as your beautiful eyes,” Colin whispered; his lips parted as his heart constricted painfully. Suddenly terrified of the extent of his emotions, he let the tie unravel before bending forward and putting it to her eyes. She jerked in surprise, her small hand coming up to press against his wrist as he tied it around her head, cutting off her sight.

“Sir,” she breathed, feeling alongside the fabric on her face. Her lips trembled slightly.

“Leave it,” he ordered quietly. “How much did you spend, Olivia? Don’t lie to me. I’ll check your bank account if I think you are.”

She breathed hard.

“Fi-five grand,” Olivia whispered; her voice was shaky. She sounded like she felt slightly sick.

Colin moved fast, picking her up and tossing her onto the bed. Silently he crawled onto the bed after her, ignoring her shocked scream and her arms clawing for purchase against the comforter.

Mark her, the words echoed painfully in his head as he raised up slightly to grasp the hem of her dress.

“Why would you do that, huh? You know how I feel! You knew we had a plane to catch home and that I wouldn’t have time to fuck you the way you deserve,” Colin snarled down at her as he hiked her dress roughly up to her hips. Baring her panties to him.

Olivia whimpered, not realizing she would evict such a visceral reaction from him. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” she chanted, placing her hand on her mouth as she gasped. Her heart was racing.

“You fucking drive me crazy,” he continued, his English cutting off into Spanish as he unbuckled and pulled down his pants past his hips. Baring his boxers.

Olivia cried out as he rolled her leg up, hooking it around his arm and ground himself against her. Before pulling his hips back and thrusting himself against her sharply, ending on another hard grind against her clit. His hand came up to grab her breast and squeeze hard through her dress.

“God you’re right against my clit, grind harder!” Olivia gasped, arching her neck.

The desperation in her words struck a chord and he ground against her heavily, his lips falling to her neck right at that vein he loved so much and he tightened his teeth around it.

He felt her fingers between them, trying to slide the waistband of his boxers down but he grabbed her hand hard, hauling it up above her and securing it there.

“I don’t know what you’re expecting our first time to be like, but it’s not going to be a half hour quickie in a hotel room Olivia,” he growled into her ear. “Once I’m inside you, I’m not stopping for hours, amor.”

Olivia moaned as he banged his hips against hers over and over, scooting them all over the bed as he humped her viciously. He reached underneath her and pinched the skin of her right butt cheek in his fingers and pressed hard. Olivia cried out as she suddenly clenched, jerking against him as she orgasmed rather painfully. Her fingers bit into his shoulders, sending him over the edge with her. Colin shuddered as he ejaculated in his boxers.

“Fucking God. What are you doing to me?” Colin growled down at Olivia, still hard. Pressing his forehead to hers, he groaned as he silently willed his heart to slow down. He made a mental note to call his cardiologist when they got back to the states. He was sure she was going to kill him.

Colin undid the tie and stared down into her shocked face.

“Well,” she swallowed hard. “I guess that means you liked them?” a touch of hope was present in her voice.

“I loved them! You infuriating, ridiculous, beautiful woman. Fuck. I’m sorry, baby,” he said, leaning down to kiss her lips, realizing in his manhandling of her he hadn’t kissed her or prepped her.

“It’s okay,” Olivia said softly, a goofy smile on her face. “You really liked them, though? You’re not lying to me?”

“Honey, you could gift me a jar of dirt and I’d carry the damn thing everywhere with me all day proudly,” Colin said with a dark chuckle. Sitting back, he pulled her up with him gently. He stood up off the bed and walked to his suitcase, unzipping it.

“I have to change boxers real quick. Do you mind packing the gifts you just got me in with my suitcase, please? We have to go; we need to be at the plane in an hour and a half,” Colin's smooth voice washed over her soothingly. Glancing at her, he noted that Olivia’s dark red hair was mussed, and she looked relaxed. Her lids lowering halfway down her eyes.

“Do you need anything, baby?” he tilted his head at her patiently.

“Nope,” she shook her head slowly, reaching for the gift bag and bringing it to his suitcase as he walked off into the bathroom with a fresh set of boxers.

An hour later, they pulled onto the tarmac and boarded the private jet. Olivia paused and looked around the area, still not used to this lifestyle. Holding the vase of flowers in her hands, she disappeared into the belly of the plane, handing it off to the airline flight attendant for safekeeping. Colin made her bring them. Laughing at her when she insisted that bringing the flowers wasn’t that serious.

“Who brings a vase of flowers onto a plane?!” she exclaimed incredulously. Feeling ridiculous as he made her walk around with a vase.

As they flew home, they discussed the upcoming week. Olivia shared with Colin that she needed to do some research for a design she wanted to implement into a drawing she’d been working on. She would be driving to work in the morning with him, but then would have to leave right away to go to her destination.

Colin was half listening to her while he tapped on his tablet, scowling at something. Olivia let him be. He’d been working tirelessly on their latest project, and she knew he and Johnathan had several irons in the fire they were working on. They ate and sipped champagne, arriving in the states slightly before midnight.
