Page 102 of The Pain We Allow

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Olivia moved, walking around him slowly. She went behind him and kicked his legs further apart, making his stance wider and Carmichael made a sick sound that turned Colin’s stomach. She finished her circle, coming to his left side and squatting down next to him.

Carmichael went to turn his head to find her.

“No no,” Olivia said sharply, with a small laugh. She tilted her head. “You know how this goes; you don’t get to look at me when I hurt you,” she said, her teeth baring as her tongue came out to lick her lips. She snapped her head forward, sinking her teeth into his earlobe and growling.

Carmichael cried out, trying to reach for his ear but Olivia slapped a hand forward, stilling him. Colin scrunched his nose, feeling his blood pressure rise impossibly high.

“What are you fucking crying for, you piece of shit? This is what you wanted, isn’t it?” she sneered at him, wiping blood off her mouth.

Colin regarded Olivia quietly, seeing that she’d lost it. She didn’t even look like herself.

If we get out of this, she’s going to have tetanus shots, a blood transfusion, blood tests, and anything else medical that I can think of to make her go through, Colin thought.

The sight of that man’s blood on her mouth, in her mouth, made him think about just going ahead and ending this whole thing in a bloodbath. In this moment he hated that he’d spent so many years with horrible anxiety and suicidal ideations. It made him too comfortable accepting the end, however it needed to end.

There were a tense few seconds as she crouched there next to him, regarding him from the side. She inched closer. The dots all relocated to the ground now, as the henchmen were now invested in watching the drama between their boss and Olivia play out.

“Are you going to rape me, Daniel?” Olivia said in an excited tone, her eyes wild. She licked her lips, as if she liked the thought.

The man nodded, trying to look out the side of his eye to watch her. Olivia smiled, standing up and then walking in front of him. She stood silent for a second before she looped the belt and then slapped Carmicheal aside the face with it. The crack echoing much like when she used her hand. One of the henchman’s guns went off as he squeezed the trigger in shock. The bullet dug into the ground.

One less bullet to worry about going into one of them.

Jonathan’s hand came up to cover his mouth, grimacing slightly. Colin heard Vanessa fall behind them to the dewy grass with a gasp, but he couldn’t move, couldn’t look away from his wife.

Carmichael roared out in anger.

“I said you can’t look at me. Did you think I was playing with you or something?” Olivia hissed, squatting down again. She took his jaw in her hands, her fingers clawed, digging into his skin. She pulled him slowly to her, shuffling, backing up two steps, making him crawl on his knees towards her. She sighed.

“Bad boooyyyy,” she said, like she was disappointed. “I was hoping you could show my family how well I’d trained you,” she huffed, closing her eyes. She slapped the belt rather absentmindedly against her hand and then opened her eyes back up before tsking. “I mean, aren’t I worth all this you went through to get me?” she said, placing a hand against her breath and sniffing. A tear rolled down her face and she shoved her face slightly into his and lowered her voice, as if she only wanted Carmichael to hear her. “Why are you embarrassing me, huh?”

Colin’s jaw dropped. Vanessa was moaning and dry heaving in the background.

Carmichael’s eyes widened as he gasped. A horrified expression passed over his features. Colin could see a vicious welt raised across his cheek and temple.

He felt joy, pure and unadulterated.

“Yes! Yes you are, I love you, Kat. I would never embarrass you,” Carmichael implored, shuffling forward slightly, his eyes wary, almost hurt.

Olivia nodded, wiping her tear away. She leaned forward and pressed her forehead into his.“Then why can’t you behave like I taught you? I mean, we spent four years together. Was it all for nothing?” she whimpered, rocking a little, like she was in distress.

Carmichael’s henchmen were now watching in earnest, rapt, with their guns still lowered.

Colin looked over at Jonathan, who had something akin to pride in his eyes watching the whole thing. For some reason, Jonathan’s look calmed him and he took a brief reprieve in the feeling.

“Wow, she’s good,” Jonathan said under his breath. Giving his head a little shake. Colin looked back at Olivia. She was stroking the man’s chest. Murmuring.

She stood up from her crouch looking down at Carmichael.

“You have to know, that every time you rape me, the beating you ask for afterwards is going to make you question your entire existence. The more you rape me, the worse it will get. Until there will be nothing of either one of us left. I bite, Daniel. That will never change. I don’t give pleasure, I give pain. You already know this,” Olivia said softly. “Pull your shirt up. Let’s finish this so we can go.” She stepped back, crossing her arms as the man hurriedly complied.

She made a disgusted noise. “Fucking embarrassment. Hold your screams in.You sicken me and I don’t want to hear you. I only want to hear this belt, do you understand?” she hissed at him; the man nodded.

Closing his eyes, it was clear he was mentally getting ready for her. Olivia took the opportunity to turn to look behind her, locking eyes with Colin momentarily. The look she exchanged with him was one of pure love before her eyes hardened, almost turning black.

Olivia walked around Carmichael, before standing behind him and giving her arms a little shake. She snapped the belt a few times, warming up, making the tension grow. She spread her feet about two feet apart and with a little huff, she pulled her arm back and let loose, the belt slapping harshly against his back. Carmichael tensed, his face going tight as he clenched his jaw so hard Colin heard his teeth grind. She pulled back her arm again, striking him repeatedly. The slaps echoing sickeningly throughout the small clearing they were in. Colin shook his head in a slight motion, disbelieving what he was seeing.

Slap after slap echoed out, and nary a sound escaped from Carmichael's lips as he knelt there, enduring what was the worst beating Olivia had ever given anyone in four years of her servicing Esmerelda's ring.
