Page 106 of The Pain We Allow

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He heard the music suddenly stop; the song turning off. No other sound except for Vanessa’s crying and Olivia’s wheezing. He turned once more, scanning the area quickly for help, hearing sirens way off in the distance. Too far.

“Colin!” Olivia suddenly screamed as Jonathan moaned, tipping to the side. Vanessa caught him, holding him upright.

Colin ran over to Jonathan in a hurry, seeing that Vanessa had taken her shirt off and was pressing it against the wound at his chest.

Jonathan looked at Vanessa, smiling, placing a bloody hand on her cheek. “I love you,” Jonathan said to Vanessa weakly.

“Olivia, get the phone,” Colin said sharply, seeing his friend’s face pinch, his eyes shutting.

Olivia tore off in the direction of the car and a second later, he could hear her yelling. Colin turned his head slightly, hearing Carmichael groaning in the distance.

Colin pulled Vanessa out of the way before hauling his fist back and punching Jonathan square in the face. Jonathan’s eyes fluttered open, looking angry. He inhaled on a deep ragged breath, shuddering.

“Motherfucker, you are not allowed to die. Not today, pussy,” Colin snarled, putting himself under Jonathan’s good side and hauling him up. He got the big man to the SUV on adrenaline and the grace of God.

“Get in,” he yelled at Vanessa, who launched herself into the hatchback, unable to crawl into the backseat with the way Jonathan was laying across it. Olivia crawled into the passenger seat, shaking as she tried to tell the police where to find them. Colin slammed his hand into a few buttons on the car’s computer system and a weird sounding noise filled the car, disconnecting the current call with the police.

“Your location has been sent to all local police stations, and the nearest cop has been alerted to your area. Do you need medical assistance?” A disembodied woman came over the phone.

Olivia gaped at him as Colin said, “Yes,”

He roared the engine before backing up several feet, turning the car harshly.

Olivia’s eyes widened as he trained the headlights on Carmichael’s barely moving form. He had lifted his head off the ground, his face looked unrecognizable. The engine roared again as Colin stomped on the gas and they shot forward, the tires kicking up dirt and squealing beneath them. They shot forward and Olivia braced herself. Colin hit the man straight on and the car bounced as it went over him, going airborne slightly.

Colin put the car into reverse before turning, placing his arm on the back of Olivia’s headrest and looking behind him as he stomped the pedal again, sending them flying backwards over the man again. Olivia held a shaking hand to her mouth and leaned backwards, shuddering. He glanced at her, meeting her eye before putting the car back into drive and sitting there for a second, panting. He revved the engine a few times before stomping down and the car bounced hard as he ran Carmichael over for the third time.

He looked in the rearview mirror, catching Vanessa’s eye and her mouthed ‘thank you’ to him. He nodded tightly.

He spun the car quickly, tearing off into the night, the engine roaring, the dirt road kicking up behind them. As he looked at Olivia sharply, his features hardened.

“Baby, did you do what I think you did to that man back there?” he said quietly, not even able to say the Judge’s name. Filled with rage, he revved the engine harder, pushing it as hard as he could.

Colin just needed to know.

He knew they lost precious seconds while he filled his need to run over the sick fucker repeatedly. One time for Olivia, one time for Jonathan, and one time for Allison.

Olivia looked at him with a haunted look on her face.

“Yes,” she said on a tortured moan, her voice sounding very far away.

“So, we need to have a conversation about whether or not we need to fix that memory for you. If you catch my drift.”

Olivia’s face turned the reddest he’d ever seen it. He would have told her he was joking, if he was. He’d do anything to reroute her memories and take away her trauma.

Vanessa suddenly laughed in the backseat.

“You know bro, EMDR is so much more effective than that you sick freak,” Jonathan said weakly from the backseat, his voice also sounding very far away but for a different reason.

“Oh my Gooooddd, you are one sick fucking man Colin,” Vanessa said.

Colin grinned suddenly feeling very elated. He knew they were going to all be ok. He just knew it deep down.

“Jonathan’s passed out,” Olivia said suddenly, turning to reach into the backseat.

He pressed the pedal harder, thanking God for sports cars.

They heard multiple sirens after a few minutes. Once they turned onto a blacktop road, they faced an onslaught of lights. There were several cop cars, an ambulance, a firetruck, and several black SUVs.
