Page 54 of The Pain We Allow

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“My man,” he said, tipping his beer to him.

“That’s why we’re really here V, he needs a break before his dick falls off,” Jonathan laughed roaringly, jerking out of the way of Colin’s playful punch.

“That’ll never happen,” Colin said vehemently. The more he fucked her, the more he wanted her. He wanted to crawl into her skin until there was nothing left but himself there and he truly didn’t care who knew it.

“So, you punish her for fucking up your bikes yet? Your expensive luxury bikes man. I was sick for you when you told me that. I got a spare clicker in my car if you need it,” Vincent said, a small smile on his face. His inner dominant secretly eating up the drama with the reward of punishing a submissive. It made his blood hot. Made him want to snag Stella out of the pool for a trip to the guest house.

Colin’s eyes slid back to Olivia who was currently disappearing into the grotto with the women.

“Oh V,” he tsked, “She did that shit on purpose, so her punishment is going to be well thought out and purposeful. Mama’s got it coming, don’t you worry your pretty little dominant heart,” he said, using his term of endearment that normally only came out when he was extremely turned on. Vincent grunted in brotherly acknowledgment; satisfied.

Truth was, if he hadn’t had been so worried about her safety, coming home to see his bikes wrecked like that and the back of her car torn up would have sent him off the deep end.

Jonathan just shook his head, a slightly annoyed expression on his face. He made it no secret that he didn’t understand their lifestyle.

“Now, let’s crash their little party because I told her that I wanted to show her the grotto and she just can’t listen,” Colin said, standing up and heading into the pool with his beer. The men followed and joined the women in the space, the lights were on and glowing a purple pink.

Chapter fifteen

Vulnerable Admissions

Afew hours later, after they’d swam enough, eaten all the burgers, fries, milkshakes and birthday cake they’d all finally left, giving them privacy. The sun was down and fireflies were out in the yard, casting a romantic vibe across the property. Colin looked down at her as she was waving to Mary, who followed the rest of them out to her car. She sighed, feeling content, happy that the day hadn’t been ruined for him. He took her hand and instead of taking her back into the house, he pulled her the rest of the way down the stairs and around the house to the path that led to the guest house.

“Colin,” she said, her brows pulled together. “What are we doing?” she asked, a little anxious.

He stayed silent and opened the door and led her in, pulling her through the house and down the hallway to the door that housed his secrets. He paused, turning his face to her.

“I want to show you this myself, not because you stumbled across it,” Colin said, hesitantly. His eyes searched hers.

Olivia bit her bottom lip and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear.

“Well…more like broke in. Wouldn’t you say?” she whispered, a small sad smile. She’d felt bad and probably would for a bit.

“Semantics,” Colin replied, a little half grin on his own face. He turned back to the door, typing in the code and opened the door. He flicked on the light before ushering her in, closing the door behind them. She did a slow circle, seeing a hole in the drywall that wasn’t there before. She flickered nervous eyes to him, knowing he put that there with his fist. She wasn’t sure which wall to turn to first, the wall with his family, or the wall with the family he killed.

She turned to his family.

He assessed her for a quick second as she stared at the photo of his mother. She was a beautiful, dark Latina woman. With dark hair, Colin shared a lot of her exotic features, however his build was strong, like his dad. His mom was petite and curvy. She had long flowing black hair, and her smile was so youthful and vibrant. Her heart broke.

“You look like her,” she whispered, half turning to Colin and wrapping her cover up tighter around herself.

“Yo soy lo único que vive de ella,” he said softly, his hands reaching out to touch her face in the picture reverently.

I am the only thing that lives on of her.

“Her name is Elena,” he whispered. Not was, is.

Olivia’s eyes widened, but she remained quiet for several seconds.“That’s a very beautiful name.” She reached out and grasped his hand in her small one, bringing his knuckles to her mouth to kiss. She stepped closer to him and leaned her head on his shoulder. Her gaze moved to the picture of him next to his mother’s casket. He looked so alone up there by himself.

“You’re the bravest person I think I know, Colin,” Olivia spoke again, a hint of awe in her voice. She meant it. She didn’t know how she would have gotten through her parents’ funeral without Vanessa and her grandpa. She couldn’t imagine having to do it alone, having to deal with the finances and all the other logistics it took to figure that out.

Her gaze snuck up to him, finding him watching her intensely as she stared at his family pictures.

She smiled slowly. “Can we put one of us up here?” she asked.

Colin smiled in return.

“Here, in the main house, everywhere. You’re going everywhere baby,” he said, leaning down to kiss her lips sweetly. Pulling back, he turned her to the other wall, his expression serious, before turning pained. The man really was traumatized, and she could see it clear as day when he looked at the family of five, staring back at them from their article on the wall.
