Page 6 of The Pain We Allow

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Olivia cried out in shock and pleasure, and bucked under him as her brain processed the televisions.

Colin was playing a recorded video of them fucking in the closet that night after the gala. She orgasmed hard as she watched Colin completely take control of her body on the screen. Her helplessly tied to the wall with the belt and him pounding into her. The sound of her screaming his name suddenly entered the room, along with his growls, grunts, and sex groans.

Flesh slapping penetrated her ears and drove deep into her brain, echoing around and driving her crazy.

Olivia drew her knees back further as he’d begun to nibble and work her clit, pressing two fingers into her and twisting, searching. She flinched her hips hard in pleasure. Her gaze torn between watching him work his dark head in between her legs, and him absolutely turning her inside out on the screen. She suddenly gripped his hair and pulled hard, worried she was going to combust.

Colin ate her out for several minutes, his fingers manipulating her G-spot, until she came with an embarrassing groan, knowing she was ruined. He’d fucking ruined her.

He was proving effortlessly that he not only had control of her body, but her mind. And that’s what tonight was about.

He got up suddenly, giving her a brief reprieve, his fingers sliding out of her wetly.

“You’re perfectly swollen baby,” Colin murmured, reaching over and slamming the rest of his drink, not even stopping to swish the expensive liquor around his mouth. He looked down at her contemplating her expression, before leaning over and pulling the ball set over within hands reach. The balls clinked together softly as he moved them.

“Pick one,” he said gently, cupping her breast with his warm hand before leaning over and taking her erect nipple in his mouth.

“For what? Sir what are you-” she gasped, arching. He took her hand and placed it on the rack of balls.

“Pick. One. And do not make me repeat myself for the rest of the night,” he said roughly, a warning in his gaze. He turned his attention to her hand, watching her closely, as if her reaction was important to him. She glanced over, her brow furrowing as she searched through the balls confused.

“What’s the matter?” he said, already knowing the answer. He’d leaned forward and was doing distracting things to the inside flesh of her knee.

“Where’s the eight ball?” she asked curiously, her hands sweeping over the ball rack once more.

He glanced at her sharply before smiling, making her heart skip a beat. He really was beautiful.

“Oh sweet thing,” Colin said, leaning down and taking Olivia’s lips in a deep kiss. Raising up to regard her once more. “You must know that when one sinks the eight ball, that means the game is over. And it’ll never be over between us. I’m working my way in, so it’s not available. I’ll hand you the eight ball when I’m ready for you to sink it,” he said confidently; his double entendre not lost on her.

Olivia paused, her heart pounding. Wrapping her hand around the white cue ball she handed it to him, the weight heavy in his hands.

“This is the ball that starts the whole game, and keeps the others in motion,” Olivia said, a double entendre of her own.

His neglected erection jerked as desire mixed with sharp satisfaction filled him.

Chuckling darkly, he took it from her. Holding her gaze with his he lowered his hand and held it to her pussy and pressed, making her hiss in surprise.

“Colin!” she moaned wildly, feeling him twist and turn the ball against her private flesh, slickening the resin of the ball and warming it.

He watched her carefully, with a high moan she arched her back and her legs jerked prettily as he pressed it slightly deeper, watching her inflamed tissues part even more for this forbidden act. She squealed and tried to buck her hips as he got it further in.

Feeling her body’s resistance, Colin dipped, taking her clit in his mouth and expertly manipulating it, sending her flying into a surprise orgasm on a shocked scream, not letting her up as this time he pressed firmly and with a small audible sucking sound it disappeared into her body. She made a small sound, and he whipped his head up to assess her.

His erection twitched against his pants.

“Jesus, I’ve never heard you make that sound before. Fucking sexy as hell,” he growled in his low voice. He sank two fingers inside of her and pushed the ball deeper.

She lit the area up with her excited screams, mingling with the sounds of him fucking her viciously on the television. Just for good measure, he gave her another orgasm, having to hold her legs back as she slithered across the pool table trying to recoil from the sensation but wanting more. He jerked her back roughly, rising and bending down into her face. She was panting and moaning, sweat beaded on her upper lip and she was trembling. Her fingers clawed into his biceps.

“It’s so h-hea-heavy, sir,” she panted. Completely shocked at what the delicious pain was doing to her body. A rare warm sensation spread throughout her body, and she marveled in the feeling. The feeling of being free.

Of letting go.

“I’m going to turn that pretty ass red, and if you push the ball out during your punishment, I’m going to stick one in your ass and beat you until I am convinced you learned your lesson. When I ask you to come to dinner for work, you don’t tell me no. And if you ever hang up on me again so help me God woman, I will fucking light your ass on fire till there’s nothing left to singe,” he growled.

She nodded, her eyes wide, the green almost completely gone.

“What?” he said, reaching forward and slapping her breast hard several times in quick succession.
