Page 60 of The Pain We Allow

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His heart thudded uncontrollably, and Colin wondered briefly if he needed to worry about that. Mentally reminding himself to schedule a doctor's appointment, he pulled back and gave her several more hard strikes, wincing as his own orgasm took him by surprise.

Weak. Colin chastised himself. He pounded a fist into the wall next to her shoulder as he stiffened and forced himself to suffer through it silently, his face tight and his lip curled.

He loosened his hold on her thigh from where he had her leg draped over his arm.

“Colin, I can’t!” She cried weakly, holding him to her with her arms and legs. “Oh God p-please,” he smiled to himself as it came out “puh-lease,” she was adorable. “Bunny, bunny, bunny.”

She safe worded.

“I know baby," he reassured, trying to tamp down the gasps that were escaping from his own mouth. "We're done. For now,” Colin bit out, his voice sounding hoarse as he tried to fight through the fire in his lungs, wondering if maybe he overdid it this time.

Looking down between them, he pulled out from her body and checked them both for blood just in case. Nothing. He felt relieved. His dick was finally soft enough for him to not feel like he had a steel iron shoved in his pants. He looked back at her, still struggling for air and took in her red stained cheeks, with big fat tear streaks running down them. She was trembling.

“Let’s get cleaned up,” he said, pulling her to him, thankful once more that he’d spent hours at the gym and his body was in its best shape.

Colin carried Olivia up to the bathroom, and they showered with her sitting down on the bench again. He knelt down before her and wrapped his arms around her waist, soothing her, stroking her hair, kissing her stomach. He praised her for how well she’d taken everything, for how wonderful she was, let her know that he loved her, and most of all, thanked her for seeing him and accepting him when he wasn’t sure at times that he could even accept himself.

They shared a sweet, loving kiss. Her hands wrapped around the nape of his neck as the water worked to soothe their aching muscles and sensitive skin.

Olivia and Colin washed up before napping a couple of hours. Waking up, Olivia put on a black silk robe and him a pair of matching silk pants. They went downstairs and to the kitchen, pawing through the refrigerator and cabinets, ravenous for food this time, instead of each other.


“Oh my God,” Colin mumbled around a bite of noodles. Turning incredulous eyes on to Olivia, who was sitting there, sipping red wine and sitting back in her chair looking very satisfied with herself. They were in the dining room with two lit candles, and a big bowl of Asian noodles with a reduced savory sauce, chicken and vegetables.

He’d set the table while she cooked, nervous the whole time for obvious reasons. He glanced at his plate again, twirling his fork around more noodles, chicken, mini corn, watercress and snap peas before sluicing the whole thing in the sauce on his plate and putting it into his mouth. He groaned.

Jesus that’s good. Colin thought to himself.

“You fucking learned how to coo-” he coughed, pressing a fist to his mouth, forgetting himself. “You learned how to make this in China while you were gone?” he said incredulously, mentally kicking himself for almost revealing the most hilarious family secret they all kept.

His wife just wasn’t cut out for the kitchen.

Olivia smiled prettily at him, and his heart almost stopped at the sight. She was just too beautiful. He reached over to push her hair behind her ear as she poured a little more wine into her glass before giving him some as well.

Fuck I missed her so much. Colin winced, the squeeze in his heart becoming deeper.

“Yes, Erick connected me to a small hole in the wall cook there and she taught me how to make bao, and this dish here,” she said, rolling her lips as she saw him narrow his eyes.

Shit shit shit! Olivia thought, she was in for another retribution fuck. Or would it be a revenge fuck? She was starting to lose track as they’d been screwing each other to death for an entire day. She put another small bite of noodles in her mouth, chewing slowly, knowing it was coming.

“I swear to God, I think I would have killed him if you had been taking him back to your bedroom, Olivia,” Colin whispered, leaning back and snagging his wine glass. He closed his eyes momentarily as he attempted to get the thought of the two of them out of his head. She told him that she hadn’t slept with anyone while she was gone and though he believed her, he just couldn’t help imagining it.

She twisted her lips in amusement.“You have no faith in me?” she teased, sipping more wine herself. “I don’t believe that you would kill someone in front of me like that, Colin.” She tsked, setting down her glass.

“Have you seen yourself? Like really seen yourself, baby? You’re a goddess. Men would do anything to get in between your thighs. You’re like a fucking siren. I was so lucky the day you agreed to go out with me. I was getting desperate. I’m not used to being told no,” Colin said, taking another bite. He groaned in appreciation. He knew Mary would be happy to have a break cooking, because he wanted Olivia to make this dish at least once a week.

“So,” she said, speaking around a bite of food before swallowing. “I didn’t know you could wield a gun like that. Like you had practice,” she asked curiously, changing the subject with her eyebrow raised. Her fingers twirled nonchalantly in her hair.

He stared at her for a second, biting his bottom lip as he tried not to break out into a smile.

“I used to be a sniper for the marines. From oh seven, to two thousand and thirteen,” he said simply, raising his wineglass and sipping with a rather proud look on his face.

“I’m sorry what?” she asked, both eyebrows raised. “You were what for the marines?” she gave him a goofy smile before giggling at him. “Come on Colin, that one really takes the cake! Be real please.”

“You don’t believe me?” Colin scoffed. Finished with his food, he sat back and placed an ankle over his knee, twirling his wineglass in his fingers. He watched her dark red eyebrows raise incredulously.

“Well…I just thought…you and Jonathan did the software car taking-over-the-world thing this entire time I guess?” she mused, grabbing herself a little more food. He smiled at her appreciatively, she’d gained a little weight while she was gone, and he was happy to see it, loving her curves in his hands. He felt his cock stir and he mentally tamped it down. They had to be able to get through a dinner without fucking. He ate another bite, sitting back and watching her chew her food. His dick hardened further. He cleared his throat.
