Page 62 of The Pain We Allow

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“Tell me Olivia,” he rasped, feeling the fires of hell beginning to lick at him at her sudden mortified expression that crossed her face. He let himself have a moment of secret pleasure. Though degradation was in their contract, he hadn't utilized it much until he found her in China, and he'd gleamed just how much it turned her on to be forced to be embarrassed and vulnerable with him.

“I want you to whip me like that red headed woman that was in that porn video you showed me.”

“Where?” Colin growled.

“On my back.”

“My way?” he licked his lips.


“It’s going to be filthy. I might scare you. It’s going to be much worse than that video,” a little grin graced his mouth.

“I’m terrified,” Olivia said sarcastically. His eyes flashing was her only warning before his hand shot out and grabbed her throat cutting off her air supply. Her nails dug into his chest as she squirmed on top of him, gasping.

“I’m going to let the disrespect slide. Now, I want you to put it all together in a lovely little sentence, with my name at the end. And your wish shall be my command, little girl,” he said, his fingers loosening enough to let some air in. She wheezed for breath, suddenly uncertain.

“I want you to whip my back, and then fuck me mercilessly like I’m a dirty whore, the way you like it. And no safe word. I want you to take me exactly how you want, Sir,” her eyes rounded as he suddenly tightened his fingers once more.

“No safe word huh?” he said quietly, his eyes boring into hers tightly. Olivia shook her head no. “Gahdamn,” he whispered, a truly evil grin graced his face. “It feels like Christmas,” his fingers loosened then fell away. “Get the wine glass out of my neck,” his eyes flashed dangerously. With a gasp, she unclenched her hand and the stem fell to the table, shattering in half. There were a tense few heartbeats of time before he spoke again.

“Now while I love that you begged me so sweetly, I cannot make good on your request tonight,” he held up his hand at her indignant gasp. “No. You are much too tender; I’ve been fucking you almost nonstop for twenty-four hours. I’m not risking damaging you, it would be incredibly irresponsible and I don’t think you’d forgive me,” he said, easily righting himself and sitting up on the table.

She sputtered angrily on top of his lap, before hopping off and storming out of the dining room.

“Fuck you, Colin! Fucking jerk,” she said, flipping him off over her shoulder. He chuckled darkly at her as she rounded the corner. He fisted his hand in his dick and pumped it a few more times before spilling his seed on his hand. He walked to the powder room and washed it off. Smiling as he went back to the table, righting his chair and then quickly finishing his food.

Upstairs, Olivia was seething. Jesus, didn’t he know how hard that was for me to say? she thought.

Huffing, she stomped to their bedroom before opening and slamming the door shut and then going into the bathroom and slamming that door too. Starting the shower, she went to the sink and put her hair in a clip and began the process of brushing her teeth. Irritated that she was scrubbing her mouth of his scent to be spiteful, she untied her robe and kicked it to the side uncharacteristically of her, hoping if he came after her that he’d slip and fall.

She rinsed her mouth out and hobbled her way to the shower, moaning lightly as she settled on the bench that seemed like it’d been her home for at least five showers since she’d been back. She didn’t have the strength to stand up long enough to let the water work its magic so she stretched out on the bench, laying flat on her belly on the white ceramic tile, her arm drifting down to the floor. Closing her eyes, she breathed the steam in deeply as the water pounded down on her back and her hair as she relaxed into almost a trance-like state. Her hair growing heavy, its weight made more noticeable from soaking up the water hitting her.

With an irritated eye roll, she silently conceded that Colin was right. Taking stock of her body now in its relaxed, heavy state she realized that her body had taken a beating. They just couldn’t keep their hands off each other. And if he’d done what she’d asked right away, it might have tipped them both over the edge. She pursed her lips in irritation that he hadn’t come after her right away, and realized that their physical need for each other was borderline psychotic.

She wondered if this hot and heavy phase they were experiencing would fade soon. They’d need it to if they were ever to have a hope of being functional.

Olivia sat up and began to wash herself, paying careful attention to be gentle on any sore spots, which was basically her entire body. Finishing up and stepping out of the shower, she dried herself off before making her way to the guest bedroom, wearily crawling in between the sheets and sighing as her head hit the pillow. Mentally shrugging off the fresh wave of guilt for leaving the dining room a mess, she promised herself she would just take a quick nap before getting up to go down and clean.


Colin walked into their bedroom quietly, not seeing Olivia. He backtracked and went down the hallway, seeing the guest bedroom door closed. He cracked it open, walking in and seeing her knocked out on the bed.

He tsked and went to her, pulled the blankets off carefully and picked her up. Carrying her to their bedroom, he put her on his side of the bed before pulling the sheets back up and pressing her lips to her forehead. Turning, he went into the bathroom and started the shower, still seeing a lingering humidity from her shower earlier. He had come up, wanting to talk with her but he saw how peacefully she was laying there on the bench and decided to leave her be while he cleaned up downstairs. He thought about her requests, and how sexy those words sounded falling from her lips.

He started formulating a plan to give her what they both desired. But he needed her one hundred percent with him mentally and physically, not worn out from an entire day’s worth of hard sex.

When he was fucking her downstairs in the study against the wall, she’d screamed so high that he thought he’d broken something inside of her. Colin winced, knowing he overdid it, hating himself for wanting to wake her up and take her again. He glanced down at his cock as he fisted it in his hand and hissed, seriously overstimulated. He didn’t think that either one of them could handle another session right now. Drying off, he walked naked back into the bedroom and laid down on the couch, not wanting to be next to her, smelling her, touching her. They needed a full night of sleep to recover, at the very least.

Groaning slightly, he pulled the blanket over himself and closed his eyes.

Chapter seventeen

Carmichael Confrontations

“Damn girl, you look like you feel like dog shit. What the hell?” Vanessa said as she walked in with Jonathan, putting a big folder on the island. Her swollen belly looked like it was ready to pop any minute, and embarrassingly enough, Vanessa’s waddle resembled the one she was currently sporting.

Olivia winced, placing a hand on her back and arching, trying to rid herself of the deep ache in her muscles.
