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“You heard me, princess,” Charlie says to me, his arm falling over Lacey’s shoulders. “The woman who has stood by me for the past thirty years is about to die. I’m filled wiv very benevolent, sad feelings right now. But don’t fuckin’ push me, girl. Just because you’re whoring yourself out to Zeth don’t mean much to me.”

Lacey’s eyes are filled with tears. She’s reverted to the calm, quiet girl I’ve gotten to know. I can’t believe how she changed so drastically. “I’m sorry, Sloane. I didn’t mean what I said,” she whispers. “I’m just—I’ve never had parents before. Can you tell Zeth I’m sorry, too?”

I’m at a loss for words. I literally can’t think of another thing to say to her that will make her change her mind. I’ve tried everything. It’s Pippa, wrists tied behind her back on the floor in the corner of the room, who tries to talk her around.

“Lacey, remember how we talked about this in your last session? I told you I thought your relationship with your brother was a little unhealthy. We discussed how you had transformed him into a father figure because you so desperately needed that person in your life? This man is taking advantage of your need for a father figure. Do you really think he’s going to take care of you? He’s a horrible person. Stay here with your brother and with Sloane. They’re the ones who really care about you.”

After being so severely let down by Pip, this statement goes a very small way toward me forgiving her. Not even close to all the way, but a step closer. Even she can see it’s not in the fragile girl’s interests to be taken away by a homicidal maniac. Charlie’s gone beet red, though; it appears he doesn’t appreciate her butting in as much as I do.

“I’d take care of what was falling out of my mouth if I were you, sunshine. Irrespective of whatever bullshit you’ve been filling my daughter’s head wiv, she is my daughter and I will be taking her with me.”

“How can she be your daughter, Charlie?” I snap. “You said it yourself—you’re going to see the woman who stood beside you for the past thirty years. Lacey and Zeth’s mother died in a car accident.”

Charlie just shrugs at me. “My Duchess is Lacey’s mother. The bitch that stole my kids away from me was just some whore one of my boys was screwing. She wanted children, couldn’t ‘ave any of her own, so she took mine. I couldn’t ’ave that.”

He couldn’t have that? That sounds particularly ominous. And this new piece of information certainly explains a lot—why Lacey went crazy earlier, screaming about going to see the Duchess. He’s told her she’s her mother, and poor Lace is just about broken enough to believe it. I’m about to ask him how the hell he can be trying to pass off something so blatantly untrue as gospel, but Charlie’s had enough. He bends down and shoves his face into mine. “When he gets home, you tell Zeth that I’m very disappointed in ’im. He’s been very disrespectful toward me. Most fathers wouldn’t tolerate that kind of behavior. Lacey’s been a good girl, though, haven’t you, sweetheart?” He casts a look over his shoulder at Lace, who beams back at him like he just made her entire year. “She’s asked me not to hurt him. Because she’s been such a good girl, I’m going to let Zeth come home. His place within this family is still available to him, if he can agree never to question me ever a-fucking-gain.” He leans forward, grabs hold of my face with one hand, fingers digging into my cheeks, and he kisses me squarely on the mouth. I purse my lips together, fighting against it, but he presses down even harder, forcing my mouth open. I practically gag when he shoves his tongue into my mouth. I taste blood—he’s split one of my lips. Too late, I think of biting his fucking tongue off, but Charlie’s already let me go and is standing up.

“You know, back in medieval times in England, it used to be that the lord who presided over an area could fuck any girl he wanted on their wedding nights. Or whenever he wanted to really. And that included the cunts their sons were sleeping with. Lucky for you, I have somewhere I need to be, princess, ’cause I’m pretty sure I could fuck you ’til you begged me to stop.”

My stomach is rolling; I think I am literally going to throw up. I spit on the floor, trying to rid myself of the taste of him. I’m not surprised when I see the blood in my saliva. “How about you do me a favor? How about you don’t even fucking imagine touching me. I feel dirty enough already as it is. Zeth’s going to kill you, you realize. And if he doesn’t, I will.”

I’ve never threatened to harm anyone before, but I mean this. I really do. I probably couldn’t do it if it came down to it, but right now I want to do him some serious damage.

Charlie gives me a pitying look. “Oh, princess. You think he’s gonna kill me and risk hurting his sister so badly? I don’t think so.”

He points at Lacey, but his point falls a little flat; she’s not looking quite so adoringly at him anymore. Her forehead is creased into worried lines. She just watched the bastard try to choke me with his tongue and threaten to fuck me right in front of her. Even I can see his halo has momentarily slipped in her eyes. It doesn’t seem to faze Charlie, though. He turns to his thugs.

“Come on. Time we get out of ’ere.”

He exits first, followed by the two men who herd Lacey out between their bodies like they’re afraid she might bolt. She leans back, her eyes locked on mine over her shoulder, suddenly looking a little anxious. “I’m sorry, Sloane. I’m really sorry.”
