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I sent out my dark wind to feel her power, but in this world controlled by her, she called the shots. When I stopped trying, the familiarity of her power rippled toward me. Could my father have had another daughter before me?

I shook my head and scratched the ridiculous idea. If he had one, he’d never have let her go. He’d have sucked her dry as well, like he’d done to me.

I couldn’t explain it, but I felt connected to the queen, drawn to her like a fly to a spiderweb. A voice tried to convince me that I could trust her.

But I wouldn’t trust her. Sometimes you could judge a book by the cover, but most of the time, you shouldn’t. Trust me on that.

“Hello, hello,” I said with a smile aimed toward my adversaries. “Are you also responsible for my kidnapping not so long ago?”

She tilted her head to regard me. “So, you’re the girl whom my beloved took into his house against objections?”

A fit of jealousy shot to my head. I didn’t like her great beauty and perfection. I liked even less her lyrical voice infused with cold power.

Multiple voices from myself churned in my head.

Break up her and Killian.

Send Sy to eat her.

Drag her down by her golden hair and maul her gorgeous face!

But will Killian get upset if I maim her? In the end, he has to marry her.

Tears suddenly gathered behind my eyelids. I could never give Killian anything. I had nothing to offer him, or anyone, except disaster, curse, or even death.

No, it wouldn’t come to that.

When my borrowed time was over, I’d leave of my own volition and draw Ruin away from Mist of Cinder and everyone I cared about.

So, I should protect Killian and his interests, including his engagement to the queen, while I could, even though it felt like acid dripping through my stomach. At least, I would not cause shit for Killian by letting his betrothed suspect that I was the other woman.

“Sir Killian is known for his charity,” I said. “I guess I’m his new project.”

She smiled at me, and that smile had teeth like blades.

“Hmm.” The queen tilted her head. “Do you understand what you consumed?”

There was no need to beat about the bush and pretend that I had no idea what she was talking about. I bet she’d studied me extensively before she hijacked my mind and brought me here.

“Seed of Heaven,” I said, “brought from Heaven and grown in your garden. Are you the drug dealer or the supplier?”

“You’re young and green, yet you possess such knowledge,” she said, her seductive voice the music of the dead and living. “You’ve never been to my realm, yet you figured out right away you’re in my Underworld.”

I felt the strong urge to pour out my guts to her under her power.

“I have my moments, ma’am.” I smirked, then corrected myself. “Your Majesty.”

“Both Heaven and Hell have been conducting experiments to find ultimate weapons against the old gods for an eon,” Queen Lilith said. “But it’s impossible to get their hands on the three originals. We believe two of them are gone, but one is making a comeback. So Heaven has been hunting for the direct descendants of any old gods.” Her brilliant green gaze fixed on me as if I was the shit. “The Seed has taken root in you. All involved parties are eager to see the development. The Seed of Heaven might be the only thing that you can’t absorb.”

“Thanks for the update,” I said. “People suck. Gods are worse.”

She arched an elegant eyebrow. “Do you have other questions?”

“Are you truly a fallen star?” I asked.

She laughed, full of the promise of the star and the power of the Underworld.

I’d never heard any laughter so enthralling. The more she talked, the more I was drawn to her, addicted to her voice. She was the speaker of the truth. I put my chin on my palms like a puppy laying its head on its paws, gazing up at the Queen of the Underworld in utter admiration.
