Page 5 of The Stalker

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“I’m not taking advantage of her, ma’am. I’m a security guard working at her office. I saw her at the club. She’s drunk, so I took her home.”

“Show me your ID.”

With a sigh, I take it out of my wallet again and hand it to her. “You can check it, but I have to?—”

“You shut up and look here.” Her eyes dart from me to my ID and back. “Let me see if it’s the same face. Just because I’m old doesn’t mean I can’t see clearly.”

This is the only human being on the planet who can tell me to shut up and won’t likely end up bloody on the floor. “I am?—”

“I tell you to shut your mouth, you shut your mouth. Your name’s Kieran?”

The pounding at the base of my skull at the club comes back with an almost blinding force. This old lady is giving me a headache, and I need to get out of here because my patience is wearing thin. “Yes, ma’am. You can check with the?—”

“No need but I’ll come with you. Make sure you don’t do anything funny to that poor girl.”

Realization hits me like a sledgehammer. She’s only looking after Katherine, which is no different from what I’ve been doing. Fine, I’m stalking but same difference. Instead of strangling her in my head, I now want to shower this lady with roses. Maybe even let her berate me all she wants.

We get inside the apartment, and Katherine is slumped on the sofa, her dress riding up her thighs, robbing me of breath.

Mrs. Schwimmer’s cane thuds loudly against the floor, and she whips her head to give me the evil eye above her thick-rimmed glasses. “Leave now. I’ll take care of her. Go.”

“I’ll leave you my number so?—”

“For what? We don’t need you anymore. Now shoo.”

Just like that, I’m back to imagining strangling her. Jesus Christ, what have I gotten myself into?



Everything she does turns me on. Doesn’t matter if she’s folding her clean clothes, cutting her nails, brushing her hair, or reading a book. I’m drawn to her like iron filings to a magnet. It’s like I’m plunging down an endless tunnel with no way of stopping. Not that I want to.

I never had any problem with my libido. I was too focused on my work to care for relationships. That is, until Katherine came along.

Now, instead of staying at home and watching movies on a Saturday night, I’m here at a five-star hotel, wearing a three-piece tuxedo that makes me feel claustrophobic.

Katherine was summoned by her parents to attend one of their charity galas, which was more like an excuse to throw lavish parties and show off than actually try to help other people. It probably helps that it can lower their taxes, but who am I to judge? I’m no millionaire. Close but not yet.

Katherine is wearing a crimson-red dress that makes her look like a queen. A very beautiful but sad one. Her thick hair is in a bun, exposing her slender neck, and making me long to drag my tongue along the tendons.

The dress or gown—whatever—is an off-shoulder piece that drapes to the floor. She has to lift it to walk around without tripping. Her makeup is light, but she has a bold red lipstick on. My favorite.

Despite looking every bit like royalty, she stands in the corner, talking to no one, being approached by no one. Goddamn. Are these men blind? I mean, I would’ve beaten anyone who flirts with her, but still, ignoring her? The fuck are they on?

Just like every party she attends, after the first two hours, Katherine escapes to somewhere quiet. No one notices, and I think she prefers it that way. She walks toward the indoor pool, which is empty because her parents made sure it was exclusive for their friends tonight.

I follow her at a distance, trying not to seem obvious, but my pulse pounds the moment I hear low voices, one of which belongs to Katherine.

“You’re not here with anyone, Kate. We both know it. You’re always alone. So what do you say? How about we head upstairs? Your Dad kindly gave me the presidential suite. Let’s have our own little party.”

Ah, the slime who calls himself Patrick. Son of a senator and the CEO of a multi-million luxury brand empire. A guy who thinks he can take whatever he wants whenever he wants. A prick through and through.

“I said no, Patrick. Which part of your thick skull doesn’t understand that?”

A dark chuckle makes me perk up from behind one of the marble pillars. My whole body is primed and ready for a fight. It’s gonna put me in hot water when I have to reveal myself, but damn if I’m gonna let this asshole touch Katherine. I’ll break his fingers and make him swallow them one by one.

“God, Kate. This is why you’re still single and no one likes you. You’re so boring. You’re no fun.”
