Page 24 of Wolf Chosen

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“Everything about you is amazing.” Kade sighs, spreading his legs so her knees can slip between his and pull them even closer together.

“And this whole time you’ve been following me, it’s to protect me?” Her hands slide from his and up to his elbows, clasping there as if holding on for dear life.

“It is my life’s purpose to protect you. I’ll always be here to protect you.”

Elara nods solemnly, her eyes lowering and her dark lashes fanning over her cheeks as she seems lost in thought. “Training with Denzel got heated today. I wish you’d been there. I got overconfident and…” her voice trails off and she shivers slightly before her beautiful eyes slowly rise back to Kade’s. “Denzel got a strike in. A hard one.”

Kade sucks in a slow breath between his teeth. “Elara,” he breathes, almost choking on her name. He shifts her grip on his arms so he can slide his hands around her waist and pull her even closer. Their lips are mere inches apart when he speaks again. “If I was there… If I’d been there and seen that, I would’ve made Denzel pay for touching you.”

“Oh, Kade,” Elara whimpers, closing the distance between their lips.

He groans, unable to stop himself from lifting her out of the chair and sitting her across his lap as he deepens the kiss. She tastes so sweet, like clover blossoms when they first open their petals at the beginning of spring. Her lips are soft as they brush against his, and everything in him begs for him to press his tongue to the seam of her lips and press inside her mouth.

But he resists.

Kade knows in his heart that Elara isn’t for him. Except despite his best intentions, his body call for her. His mind is obsessed with her. Contrary to what his heart knows, he’s in love with her. Irrevocably and forever in love with this woman meant for someone else.

Kade deepens the kiss, moaning against her lips as he threads his fingers into her hair at the nape of her neck. The wolf inside him begs for more, begs for everything, but he holds it at bay.

“Never leave me, Kade, please?” Elara begs, her swollen lips brushing against his with every syllable.

“I never have, and I never will,” he promises.

Kade knows it’s true, he knows this because of the prophecy. Even if he isn’t the one she’s supposed to love, he’s meant to be beside her.

He has a role to play in this as well, even if it isn’t the one he wants.



Stunned, Elara sits in her car, unable to make herself move. Her chest feels heavy, and she’s not sure if it’s the absence of Kade after another blazing kiss, or the information she learned only moments before.

She left the hidden lab not long after. She’d run through the woods, struggling to make sense of it all. Everything Kade told her sounds too impossible to be true, but so is being a werewolf.

And she’s experienced that firsthand.

As she rests her head back against the seat, she admits learning Merlin created werewolves isn’t what her mind had focused on. It had largely been absorbed by one name. One person. One wolf.


It’s time to admit she has feelings for him. Strong feelings. Deep feelings.

Feelings that make as much sense as any of this, yet are the ones that feel the truest. The most right.

The one thing she can depend on in the world that’s making less and less sense.

Elara’s phone rings and she picks it up, seeing it's Kira.

"Elara!" Her friend’s voice is panicked, and she’s instantly on full alert, turning her car on.

"Kira? What’s happened?"

"It's Laith," she croaks.

Elara's chest clenches at the sound of his name. Laith, the boy she turned, the guy she’s supposed to be protecting in the same way Kade’s been protecting and watching over her. Does this mean Laith’s descended from one of the families, too?

“What about him?” Elara asks. “Where is he?”
