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“Then I guess you’re right? Bad idea?” And yes, I pose both of those as questions. Because it does seem like a bad idea, only it also seems like the best idea she’s ever had.

“Definitely a bad idea.” She works this through, her wheels visibly spinning. “But… what if we did, you know, try for the baby… naturally?”

“Naturally,” I repeat as if the word doesn’t make any sense. Like she’s saying it in Polish, and I don’t speak a word of Polish, only my body isn’t as dense as I am. My body speaks whatever language she’s speaking and it absolutely fucking loves it.

My cock goes from a semi to stone as lust swirls like an elixir through my veins.

The thought of fucking Katy bare, of taking her body every way I’ve always imagined while making a baby is easily the biggest turn-on of my life. It’s taking everything—and I do mean everything—I’ve got not to grab her, rip her clothes off, flip her around, press her into the glass of the back door, and fuck her blind.

But after leaving my old life behind, I’ve come to realize I don’t want anything like what I had before. If anything, this fury and unrelenting anger have awoken the beast I never allowed myself to set free. I’m not cruel, and I’d never hurt Katy in the name of anything but pleasure, but fuck, do I want to mark her body and watch her moan and writhe against my touch.

“You want that?” My voice is husky, encased in thick need, but I have to ask even if there is no hiding my obvious lust or the way I’m looking at her with so much heat my house is about to ignite and burn around us.

Her cheeks are flushed the most gorgeous shade of red, and her pupils have completely blown out. “I…” She licks her lips, and my head dips reflexively, wanting to repeat the motion with my tongue. “I don’t know. You’re making all these demands and stating all these things that you want, and I’m flustered and overwhelmed. Focusing on the sex or lack of sex seemed like the easiest place for my mind to go.”

“You can make demands too. You can have anything you want.” I shouldn’t. I shouldn’t. I shouldn’t. Don’t fucking do it, Bennett! “If you want to try to make the baby naturally, we can.” Fuck! Fucking asshole! “But maybe…” Stop thinking with your dick! “Maybe we should put into the contract that we stop after we’re pregnant.”

“Just so things don’t get complicated between us, and we know where we stand,” she agrees, her voice low and raspy, almost like a purr, and I’m dying right now with how badly I want her. I’m so fucking drawn to this woman I can’t see straight.

“Right.” I inch in. “So there’s no confusion.”


Somehow my hands are on her hips beneath her shirt, my thumbs rubbing along her hip bones over her smooth, soft skin. Despite how much I want to slide them up and cup her tits—and I seriously fucking want to—I force my hands away and make myself take a few steps back.

“I want this too much to fuck it up by making a move on you that I shouldn’t be making.”

I suck in a silent breath, regaining my control. Something I only seem to lose when I’m around her. Something I better get a tighter grip on now. If…

“Katy, will you consider having a baby with me?”

Chapter Eleven

Will I consider having a baby with my boss? How did I even get here? Oh my god! I’m Surprise Baby for the Billionaire Doctor. The weird hysterical laugh thing I do when I’m overly nervous or anxious about something is roaring up the back of my throat, but now isn’t the time for it. His mother has a sense of humor. I’ll give her that.

But how do I answer that? I can’t freaking answer that. Doesn’t he know all he’s asking of me?

I won’t lie. There is something so undeniably convenient about his proposal.

For one, he’s gorgeous, brilliant, a doctor, and I believe he’s a good man despite all he’s been through. He cares for his sick mother. He wants to be a father and not simply because he wants an heir or to have kids to check a box. He clearly has plenty of money of his own, so going after my trust fund that he knows nothing about is not at the forefront of his mind. There’s also the part of him that doesn’t want love or a relationship, which as weird as this sounds, is a relief.

But then there are the other massive conflicts that are telling me to say no and run for my life.

He’s my boss. He evaluates my work, and in addition to being unethical, I’m also after a coveted fellowship he presides over. If we do this and he doesn’t pick me, I might kill him, and if we do this and he picks me simply because I’m his baby mama, I would kill him. So there’s that.

Plus, how can I live with him for that length of time? Will I grow to hate him or even worse, love him? Or could we manage to stay distant, living solely as roommates and eventually co-parents? Then there’s that.

Co-parenting with him.

That might be the biggest slice of this pie because that puts Bennett in my life forever. Helping to make decisions for the kid and coming in with his own expectations of what he wants for it. What if he remarries one day and my kid then has a stepmother I’ll have to manage?

And, well, you know, there’s also the big, fat volcano of sexual attraction that was lying somewhat dormant and is now ready to erupt all over us because I said I wanted to try to have the baby naturally. Which is nuts. Why the fuck did I say that? Because living with him won’t be enough, I have to start fucking him too?

That laugh escapes, and he gives me a curious look, his lips bouncing since I do sound like a hyena as Owen so kindly put it. Ugh.

“I’m not sure what that is.”

I cover my face with my hands and sigh despondently into them. “It’s a weird laugh thing I do when a situation is a bit more than I can handle emotionally. You have no idea how many times I nearly did that when we were stuck in the elevator together. You’d think after thirty years of being on this planet, I’d have a better grip on it.”
