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I let out a strange, strangled laugh, not even bothering to deny the love part. I sit up and rub the back of my head. “How’d that turn out for you?”

“One day I decided I was done giving her the choice, and I showed her that not only would I be different from the others, but that I’d never stop fighting for her until I not only won her, but she realized she couldn’t live without me either.”

My lips twitch. “Was she as stubborn as Katy is?”

“Every bit as much. Men like us wouldn’t have fallen so hard for them if they weren’t. It just depends on if you’re up for the challenge she presents or not.” He leaves that hanging in the air between us and I don’t bother reassuring him that I am. He can see it all over my face. “I’m going to get her discharge paperwork sorted.” He stands and plants a kiss on Katy’s temple and then goes to leave. “Hey, Bennett?”

I glance up at him. “Yes, Callan?”

“Take care of my Katy for me.”

I swallow thickly. “I intend to.”

“Good. Because you should probably be the one to tell her she’s pregnant.”

Chapter Twenty-One

I feel like total and complete trash right now. Everything hurts. And I’m tired. Like so damn tired I can hardly move, and the thought of opening my eyes feels like the effort of a lifetime. I think I remember what happened. I think I passed out on the damn OR floor, which is, well, gross and humiliating all at the same time.

Not to mention, my family will never let this go. They’ll be up my ass and around the corner over it. Then there’s Bennett. Ugh. He’s going to be supersonically pissed. Rightfully so, but still. Maybe I’ll just sleep for a while longer. Like another decade or so.

“Katy baby, are you awake? Your heart rate is going up a little.” Bennett’s soothing voice filters through my ears as he runs a soft hand over my head and through my hair.

“That depends on how mad you are,” I rasp, my voice sounding like I ate a hundred pounds of cotton and washed them down with sand. “On a scale from one to a hundred.”

“I’m pretty fucking mad so I’ll have to go with a hundred.”

“Then I’m still asleep.”

His lips plant against my forehead, and he murmurs into my skin, “You scared me.”

“I know?—”

“No, baby, you don’t. I’m not sure I’ve ever been as scared in my life as when I saw you pass out like that. You have to take better care of yourself. You’re my baby’s mommy now, and that means your health comes first.”

It takes a half-second longer than it should for my sluggish brain to catch up, but when I do, I blink open my eyes, squinting against the harsh fluorescent lights, and meet Bennett’s deep blue ones from inches away. “Baby’s mommy?”

He smiles, his nose brushing mine as he cups the back of my head. “That’s you.”

“So I’m…”

“Pregnant. Yes.”

“Oh my god.” I start to tremble, my eyes closing as tears immediately fill them. “Bennett. Are you sure?” I can’t say anything else without sobbing.

I’ve never cried happy tears in my life. Not when I won big swim meets or got into the medical school of my choice or landed a residency back here in Boston. I know we have a long way to go, and anything can happen, but I can’t begin to explain the unadulterated joy and relief swimming through me right now. It’s consuming and overwhelming and I’m so glad Bennett is here right now.

I’m so glad he was the one to tell me.

“I’m sure. Your uncle told me, and then I broke about seven thousand rules, laws, and regulations and checked your chart. But only for that. I swear, I didn’t sneak or look at anything else, but I had to see for myself, so I hope you’re not mad about that.”

“I’m not mad about that. I’m so many things right now, but mad is definitely not one of them.”

He wraps his arms around me and presses his head and chest against me as I cry into him, no longer able to hold back my sobs. I reach behind his head and grip his scrub top. I’m trembling, and this time it has nothing to do with my low blood sugar.

I’m pregnant.

I’m fucking pregnant.
