Page 131 of Bet Me Something

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I’d heard she was dating someone after having been widowed for over ten years, but according to Colby, the man traveled quite a bit for business and obviously wasn’t here now. “All right, maybe for a few minutes.”

After I followed her into her beautiful home, she had me take a seat on the kitchen island stool and disappeared for a moment before returning with a sweatshirt in her hands. “Here, my dear, put this on so you don’t catch a chill with the AC in the house after being outside sweating.”

“Thank you,” I murmured, putting on the large hoodie.

“That was Colby’s when he was in high school and played soccer.”

I had to bite my lip from crying over a stupid sweatshirt because I missed him like crazy.

Sensing my distress, she sat down beside me. “I’ve known you your whole life, McKenzie, and I’ve never seen you look sad a day in it. Now, what’s going on?”

Taking a deep breath, I figured I could be at least half honest with her about what was weighing me down. “My parents are getting divorced. Separated for now, but in a year, divorced. And my mother is upset because I won’t move home to be with her. I feel guilty because she’s going to be all alone but wish she’d understand that I can’t live my life for her. My dad is staying on the other side of the house for now, my mom won’t talk to me, and I don’t think I can stay in that house another minute.” How was that for a fire-hose response?

Her eyes showed sympathy before she gathered me in for a hug. “Then, it’s settled. You can stay here.”


“I have plenty of bedrooms.” She got up and poured me a glass of water.

“Won’t your family be coming in?”

She smiled. “Josh, Haylee, and Abigail come in tomorrow morning and Colby probably not until Sunday, knowing him. But it doesn’t matter; you’re welcome to stay when they’re here, too.”

“Maybe just for tonight if that’s okay?” I couldn’t remain here once everyone came in. It would be too weird given the circumstances, but one night away from the tension sounded wonderful.

“Good it’s settled. Why don’t you go pack your things and bring them over? If you have stuff to do today, you can use any one of the cars. We could also have dinner together tonight if you don’t have other plans.”

“Are you sure this doesn’t put you in an awkward position with my mom?” I’d probably never understand what kept them friends over the years with them being complete opposites, but I certainly didn’t want to cause a rift.

“You let me worry about that.”

“Thank you.”

“No need to thank me. You’re like family.”

* * *

My dad seemed relievedwhen I told him I was staying the night with a friend, insisting I’d have a better time that way given the current tension in the house. My mother was nowhere to be found, which made the decision whether to tell her a moot point.

The fact that Mrs. Singer put me in Colby’s bedroom was either a cruel cosmic joke or a weird coincidence.

“Two of the guest rooms are in disarray, and the other two down the hall I have slated for Josh, Haylee, and Abigail, so use this one tonight.”

It was ironic that when I decided to take a nap later, my phone rang with Colby’s number flashing up.

“Hello,” I answered, trying not to sound too anxious.

“Hey, it’s me.”

I closed my eyes, having missed the sound of his voice.“I take it you got my rambling message?”

“Yeah, I sure did.” There was humor in his voice.

“So are we okay for the baptism the day after tomorrow?”

“Yes, of course. I obviously wouldn’t miss it, but I don’t want you to, either. As you said, we were friends before.”

The sex. That’s how that sentence ended in my mind, as well as in my voicemail. “Yes, we were.”
